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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ali ibn abi Talib, Amir al-Mu'menin (Peace be Upon him)

Name: (Ali RA)
Title: al-Murtada Agnomen: Abu ' l-Hasan Father's name: Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib(RA) Mother's name: Fatimah bint Asad(RA) Birth: In the Holy Ka'bah in Mecca on Friday, 13th Rajab 23 BH Death: Died at the age of 63, in Kufah (Iraq) on Monday, 21st Ramadan 40 AH; murdered by an assassin who mortally wounded him with a poisoned sword in the mosque of Kufah during the morning prayer on 19th Ramadan; buried in an-Najaf al-Ashraf (Iraq)
Imam Ali(RA) was the cousin of our Holy Prophet(SAW). He was born in the Sacred House (Ka'bah). Providence alone had a hand in bringing his mother towards the Ka'bah. When his mother came to Ka'bah, she felt weighed down by intense pain of pregnancy. She knelt down before the Holy Structure and prayed humbly to God. 'Abbas ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib(RA), saw 'Ali's(RA) mother praying to God. No sooner had she raised her head from supplication, then the wall of the Sacred House split by a solemn miracle. Fatimah entered the Ka'bah and that portion returned to its normal position. 'Abbas (RA)and his companions flocked at the gate of the Sacred House which was locked, and tried to open it, but in vain. They then decided to give it up, considering the miraculous nature of the event and the Divine Will in action.
The news of this miraculous incident soon spread like wild fire in Mecca. 'Ali (RA)was born within the Ka'bah with his eyes closed and his body in humble prostration before the Almighty. Fatimah(RA) stayed in the Ka'bah for three days and as the fourth day approached she stepped out, carrying her gem in her arms. To her great surprise, she found the Holy Prophet(SAW) awaiting to receive the newly-born child in his anxious arms. Imamate feeling the subtle touch of prophethood(SAW), 'Ali(RA) opened his eyes and saluted the Divine Prophet: "as-Salamu 'alayka ya Rasula'lldh" (Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah). 'Ali's (RA)birth in the Ka'bah is unique in the history of the world. Neither a prophet(SAW) nor a Divine saint was ever blessed with such an honour. He was brought up under the care and affection of the Holy Prophet. As 'Ali(RA) says: "The Holy Prophet(SAW) brought me up in his own arms and fed me with his own morsel. I followed him wherever he went like a baby-camel following its mother. Each day a new aspect of his character would beam out of his noble person and I would accept it and follow it as a command. " (Nahju 'I-balaghah). Ten years in the company of the Holy Prophet(SAW) had kept him so close and inseparable, that he was one with him in character, knowledge, self-sacrifice, forbearance, bravery, kindness, generosity, oratory and eloquence.
From his very infancy, he prostrated before God along with the Holy Prophet(SAW). As he himself said: "I was the first to pray to God along with the Holy Prophet." " 'Ali(RA) presented in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet(SAW)," says al-Mas'udi, "all along his childhood." Allah created him pure and holy and kept him steadfast on the right path. Though 'Ali (RA) is undisputably the first to embrace Islam when the Holy Prophet(SAW) called upon his listeners to do so, yet by the very fact that since his infancy he was brought up by the Holy Prophet(SAW) and followed him in every action and deed including prostration before Allah, he can be said to be born a Muslim, just like the Holy Prophet(SAW) himself. 'Ali(RA), at all times, accompanied the Holy Prophet(SAW) to help and protect him from his enemies. He used to write down the verses of the Holy Qur'an and discuss them with the Prophet as soon as they were revealed by the Holy Messenger, the Gabriel.
He was so closely associated with the Holy Prophet(SAW) that as soon as a verse was revealed to him during the day or night, 'Ali(RA) was the first to hear it. The Holy Prophet has said of 'Ali(RA): O 'Ali(RA), you are my brother in this world as well as in the Hereafter. I am the city of knowledge and 'Ali(RA) is the gate. Nobody knows 'Ali(RA) except Allah and I. Nobody know me except Allah and 'Ali(RA). If you want to see the knowledge of Adam(AS), the piety of Noah(AS), the devotion of Abraham(AS), the awe of Mosa(AS), and the service and abstinence of Christ, look at the bright face of Ali. When the Holy Prophet(SAW) reached Yathrib (Medina) and met his followers who had come from Mecca at his call, he immediately appointed for each such followers a person from the people of Yathrib known as Ansar (Helpers), who had accepted his prophethood, to be a brother to him. His appointment of brothers was a great act of help for the refugees known as Muhajirun (Emigrants), who left their home and come to Yathrib. He made brothers of people who followed the same trade so that the Muhajirun could be usefully employed immediately.
While the Prophet(SAW) was appointing an Ansar a brother to a Muhajirun 'Ali(RA) who was present there, was not appointed as a brother to any Ansar. On being questioned as to why he had not appointed a brother for 'All, the Prophet said: "He shall be a brother to me." The character and calibre of 'Al; as judged by al- Mas'udi is, "If the glorious name of being the first Muslim, a comrade of the Prophet(SAW) in exile, his faithful companion in the struggle for faith, his intimate associate in life, and his kinsman; if a true knowledge of the spirit of his teachings and of the Book; if self-abnegation and practice of justice; if honesty, purity, and love of truth; if a knowledge of law and science, constitute a claim to pre-eminence, then all must regard 'Al'i (RA)as the foremost Muslim.
We shall search in vain to find, either among his predecessors (save one) or among his successors, those attributes. " Gibbon says: "The birth, the alliance, the character of 'Ali(RA) which exalted him above the rest of his country- men, might justify his claim to the vacant throne of Arabia. The son of Abu Talib(RA) was in his own right the chief of Banu Hashim and the hereditary prince or guardian of the city and the Ka'bah." " 'AIi(RA) had the qualifications of a poet, a soldier, and a saint; his wisdom still breathes in a collection of moral and religious sayings; and every antagonist, in the combats of the tongue or of the sword, was subdued by his eloquence and valour. From the first hour of his mission to the last rites of his funeral, the Apostle was never forsaken by a generous friend, whom he delighted to name his brother, his vicegerent, and the faithful Aaron of a second Moses."
* * *
Under Divine instruction, the Apostle of Allah married his beloved daughter Fatimah to 'Al;, though others vainly tried for her hand. Among their children, Imam Hasan, Imam Husayn, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum have left their marks on the history of the world. After the death of Hadrat Fatimah, 'Ali married Ummu 'I-Banin. 'Abbas was born out of this wedlock and was so handsome that he was fondly called Qamar Banu Hashim. He personified loyalty and bravery and proved it in the battlefield at Karbala'.
* * *
In the 40th year of Hijrah, in the small hours of the morning of 19th Ramadan, 'Ali was struck with a poisoned sword by a Kharijite while offering his prayers in the mosque of Kufah. (See photo on p. 56) The Lion of God, the most brave-hearted and fentle Muslim that ever lived began his glorious life with devotion to Allah and His Apostle and ended it in the service of Islam.
"And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead; nay they are alive but you do not perceive. (Qur'an, 2:154)
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THE IMAMS AND LEADERS OF ISLAM (Byal-`Allamahat-Tabatabai)
The previous discussions lead us to the conclusion that in Islam, after the death of the Holy Prophet, there has continuously existed and will continue to exist with- in the Islamic community (ummah), an Imam (a leader chosen by God). Numerous prophetic hadlths have been transmitted in Sh;'ism concerning the description of the Imams, their number, the fact that they are all of the Quraysh and of the Household of the Prophet, and the fact that the promised Mahdi; is among them and the last of them. Also, there are definitive words of the Prophet concerning the Imamate of 'Al; and his being the first Imam and also definitive utterances of the Prophet and 'Al; concerning the Imamate of the Second Imam. In the same way the Imams before have left definitive statements concerning the Imamate of those who were to come after them. According to these utterances contained in Twelve- lmam Shi'ite sources the Imams are twelve in number and their holy names are as follows: ( I ) 'Ali ibn Ab; Talib;(RA) (2) al-Hasan ibn 'Ali; (RA)(3) al-Husayn ibn 'Ali; (RA)(4) 'Ali ibn al-Husayn;(RA) (5) Muhammad ibn 'Ali;(RA)(6) Ja'far ibn Muhammad;(RA) (7) Musa ibn Ja'far;(RA) (8) 'Ali ibn Musa; (RA)(9) Muhammad ibn 'Ali; (10) 'Ali ibn Muhammad;(RA) (11) al-Hasan ibn 'Ali; and (RA)(12) the Mahdi(RA).
* * *
The First Imam:
Amir al-Mu'minin, 'Ali (RA)(upon whom be peace) was the son of Abu Talib(RA), the Shaykh of the Banu Hashim. Abu Talib was the uncle and guardian of the Holy Prophet(SAW) and the person who had brought the Prophet(SAW) to his house and raised him like his own son. After the Prophet(SAW) was chosen for his prophetic mission. Abu Talib(RA) continued to support him and repelled from him the evil that came from the infidels among the Arabs and especially the Quraysh. According to well-known traditional accounts 'Ali(RA) was born ten years before the commencement of the prophetic mission of the Prophet(SAW). When six years old, as a result of femine in and around Mecca, he was requested by the Prophet(SAW) to leave his father's house and come to the house of his cousin, the Prophet(SAW).
There he was placed directly under the guardianship and custody of the Holy Prophet(SAW). A few years later, when the Prophet(SAW) was endowed with the Divine Gift of prophecy and for the first time received the Divine Revelation in the cave of Hira', as he left the cave to return to town and his own house he met 'Ali(RA) on the way. He told him what had happened and 'Ali(RA) accepted the new faith. Again in a gathering when the Holy Prophet(SAW) had brought his relatives together and invited them to accept his religion, he said the first person to accept his call would be his vicegerent and inheritor and deputy. The only person to rise from his place and accept the faith was 'Ali(RA) and the Prophet(SAW) accepted his declaration of faith. Therefore, 'Ali(RA) was the first man in Islam to accept the faith and is the first among the followers of the Prophet(SAW) to have never worshipped other than the One God. 'Ali(RA) was always in the company of the Prophet(SAW) until the Prophet(SAW) emigrated from Mecca to Medina.
On the night of the emigration to Medina (Hijrah) when the infidels had surrounded the house of the Prophet(SAW) and were determined to invade the house at the end of the night and cut him to pieces while he was in bed. 'Ali(RA) slept in place of the Prophet(SAW) while the Prophet(SAW) left the house and set out for Medina. After the departure of the Prophet(SAW), according to his wish 'Ali(RA) gave back to the people the trusts and charges that they had left with the Prophet(SAW). Then he went to Medina with }:is mother, the daughter of the Prophet(SAW), and two other women. In Medina also 'Ali was constantly in the company of the Prophet(SAW) in private and in public. The Prophet(SAW) gave Fatimah(RA), his sole, beloved daughter from Khadijah(RA), to 'Ali(RA) as his wife and when the Prophet(SAW) was creating bonds of brotherhood among his companions, he selected 'Ali(RA) as his brother. 'Ali(RA) was present in all the wars in which the Prophet(SAW) participated, except the battle of Tabuk when he was ordered to stay in Medina in place of the Prophet(SAW). He did not retreat in any battle nor did he turn his face away from any enemy.
He never disobeyed the Prophet, so that the Prophet said: " 'Ali(RA) is never separated from the Truth nor the Truth from 'Ali(RA)." On the day of the death of the Prophet(SAW), 'Ali(RA) was thirty- three years old. Although he was foremost in religious virtues and the most outstanding among the companions of the Prophet(SAW), he was pushed aside from the caliphate on the claim that he was too young and that he had many enemies among the people because of the blood of the polytheists he had spilled in the wars fought alongside the Prophet(SAW). Therefore, 'Ali(RA) was almost completely cut off from public affairs. He retreated to his house where he began to train competent individuals in the Divine sciences and in this way he passed the twenty-five years of the caliphate.

LA FATAH ILLA ALI , LA SAIF ILLA ZULFIQAR................................................


Dargah Hazrat Khawaja Gareeb Nawaz Moin-ud-Din Hasan Sanjari Chisty Ajmeri Sultan-ul-Hind Shafat Amr (R.A) became Sahib e Majaz Marfooh ul Ijazat Aulu ul Azam walmartaba Shahansha-e-Walayat in Chisty Silsala on 560 Hajri in the town of Chist. He (R.A) is known as Shahansha-e-Hind al Wali...or Sultan ul Hind and also as Khawaja Gareeb Nawaz. His (R.A) Silsala Tasawuf is..Hazrat Mohammad-a-Mustafa (Peace be upon him)- Hazrat Ali Murtaza karam Allah Wajha(R.Z)- Hazrat Khawaja Hassan Basri (R.A)- Hazrat Khawaja Abdul Wahad bin Zaid Sahab (R.A)- Hazrat Khawaja Fazeel ibn Ghayas Mousa Safat (R.A)- Hazrat Khawaja Sultah Ibraheem bin Adham Balkhi Sahab Muheet Al Anasir (R.A)- Hazrat Khawaja Sareed ud Din Sahab (R.A)- Hazrat Khawaja Amin-ud-Din Sahab Habeer atul basra supurd Malaik (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Alu Mumshad Sahab Danaveri Kon Abad (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Abo Ishak Sahab Shami Subhani (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Abo Ahmad Sahab Abdal Awleen Chisty (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Zahid Makbool Chisty Sahab (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Nasir ud Din Abo Yousuf Sahab Chisty Sarmadi (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Qutab ud Din Modood Chisty Sahab Shahansha Al Arwah (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Haji Shareef Zandani Sahab Nafi Al Qaza Mauluk (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Usman Haroni Sahab Chisty Takfreer ul Khalasi wa Takbeer ul Amani (R.A)- Hazrat khawaja Moinuddin Hassan Sahab Sanjari Chisty Ajmari Shahansha a Hind Alwali Shafat Amr(R.A).



The word 'Dargah', in Persian, means a courtyard. As a technical term of Sufism, it implies a courtyard surrounding the shrine of a saint. This shrine may or may not have a dome structure over it. The dargah of Gesudaraz has a huge dome structure over it.
Like other Chishti monasteries, the khanqah (monastery) of Gesudaraz at Gulbarga is broad based. People from all backgrounds have always been welcomed and greeted with respect. Instances of the saint holding religious discussions with the yogis and brahmans are known, and his teachings had a tremendous impact on contemporary religious and social life. He taught people to be particularly kind and affectionate towards each other. The hundreds who visit the dargah of Gesudaraz regularly on a daily basis and the hundreds of thousands who come during the Urs, meet in an atmosphere of amity and harmony, that is immaterial of the languages they speak and the rituals they perform. Driven by faith, the visitors are comforted with a solution, be it a peace of mind, cure for a sickness, or any other problem. And those who seek God, find Him here.
The dargah of Gesudaraz comprises of over 100 rooms for accomodation. These rooms are usually booked a month prior to the Urs, since people from all parts of India wish to attend this sacred event. These bookings are made through letters sent by postal mail requesting for a room and are addressed to the Sajjada Nasheen at the dargah address
About: Hazrath Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz (Rh)
The dargah of the enlightened Saint Hazrath Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz (Rh) lies in Gulbarga a district situated in the Deccan Plateau located in the northern Karnataka, India. The dargah encompasses of the mausoleum of a saint who taught love, amity and devotion. A saint who looked upon everyone else as equal and was never bias, where as he did not see who they were, what they wore, which language they spoke, or what beliefs they held. His mausoleum continues to send out a message of spirituality, integrity, and harmony to this day. It is a sanctuary where people from all walks of life, irrespective of religion or sect, caste or creed, come to pay homage and find peace around them and within. Today, after six hundred years, the dargah of Gesudaraz strives to maintain the atmosphere that his khanqah (monastery) was always known for.

Gesudaraz states that his 12th ancestor Sayyid Abu al-Hasan Jundi was the first to have come from Khurasan. He is said to have accompanied military campaigns against Delhi several times. Eventually he was killed and buried in the compound of a mosque in Delhi, where his family also later moved from Khurasan. Gesudaraz 's father Sayyid Yusuf Husayni (d. 731/1330) was a disciple of the Chishti saint of Delhi, Shaykh Nizam al-Din Awliya. He had four sons and a daughter. Gesudaraz was his second son.
A year after the foundation of the Tughlaq Dynasty, Gesudaraz was born on the 30th f July, 1321/ 4th Rajab 721 in Delhi. It was during the 14th century that Gesudaraz was born, brought up, was taught external sciences, was trained in the spiritual exercises and finally he preached.
Gesudaraz at the age of seven accompanied his parents to the new metropolis Daulatabad, where Muhammad bin Tughlaq had transferred his capital from Delhi, in the year 1327 and forced the populace to move to the Deccan. Sayyid Yusuf Husayni passed away in the year 731/ 1330 when Gesudaraz was ten years old. Five years later he returned to Delhi and finally settled down. Gesudaraz was eager to become a disciple of Shaykh Nizam al-Din Awliya, because he had heard a lot about him through his father and other sufis in Daulatabad, but the Shaykh had already died even before Gesudaraz's immigration to the Deccan. His place was occupied by his successor Shaykh Nasir al-Din Mahmud in Delhi. On the 1st of March 1336, Gesudaraz and his eldest brother became his disciples. Twenty years later in the year 1356 when Gesudaraz was 36 years old, Shaykh Nasir al-Din Mahmud bestowed on him the permission to maintain his own circle of disciples (Khalifah), which meant that he had become capabe of being a Shaykh.
During the same year Shaykh Nasir al-Din Mahmud fell seriously illand passed away on the 18th of Ramadan 757/ 14the September 1356. Gesudaraz took charge of his preceptor's monastery three days later. Hence he worked in Delhi for the next forty four years. At the age of 80, along with his family and some disciples, he left for Daulatabad in the year 801/ 1398 just after Timur's invasion of Delhi. It took him a couple of years to reach Daulatabad having halted at several places on the way. He paid homage at his fathers shrine and probably intended to settle down there.
In the year 800/ 1397, Firuz Shah Bahmani had been crowned Sultan in Gulbarga. When he heard the arrival of Gesudaraz at Daulatabad, he formally invited him to Gulbarga and requested to settle down in the capital instead. He constructed a monastery for the saint outside the walls of the fort. The Sultan seems to have had great respect for Gesudaraz but the relationship was strained later on for some odd reason. Gesudaraz had to move out of his Monastery to another place where his tomb now stands. Gesudaraz lived in Gulbarga for 22 years till he passed away on the 16th of the Dhu al-Qadah 825/ 1st November, 1422 at the age of 105 lunar years.

His magnum opus, Tafseer Multaqat in Arabic, was compiled into one book very recently. It is unfortunate, however, that most people even within Gulbarga are unaware of this work. Little has been done to publish this and his other works on a large scale. Other books authored are: Avarif-ul-Ma`arif, Fasoos-al-Hukm, Qaseeda Amali, and Adaab-al-Mureedein.

With regard to Prophet Yahya, Allah says "Peace Be Upon Him on the day he was born, and on the day he died and on the day he will be risen (here after)." (Quran, sura Maryam, v. 15)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pay a visit each year at the shrines of the Martyrs of the war of Uhad. On the authority of the above, Urs is celebrated once every year on the day Sufis Die.
Urs-e-Shareef of Hazrath Khwaja Bandanawaz is celebrated on the 15th, 16th and the 17th of Dhu al-Qadah every year. Around five to six lakh people from almost all over India and from abroad come to Gulbarga to visit the saint during the Urs.

Salar Jung Museum

The Salarjung Museum is the third largest museum in India housing the biggest one-man collections of antiques in the world. It is well known throughout India for its prized collections belonging to different civilizations dating back to the 1st century. Nawab Mir Yousuf Ali Khan Salar Jung III (1889-1949), former Prime Minister of the seventh Nizam of Hyderabad spent a substantial amount of his income over thirty five years to make this priceless collection, his life's passion. The collections left behind in his ancestral palace, 'Diwan Deodi' were formerly exhibited there as a private museum which was inaugurated by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951. Old timers believe that the present collection constitutes only half of the original art wealth collected by Salar Jung III. His employees siphoned off part of it, since Salar Jung was a bachelor and depended upon his staff to keep a vigil. Some more art pieces were lost or stolen during the shifting of the museum from Dewan Devdi to the present site. Later in 1968, the museum shifted to its present location at Afzalgunj and is administered by a Board of Trustees with the Governor of Andhra Pradesh as ex-officio chairperson under the Salar Jung Museum Act of 1961.
Nawab Mir Yousuf Ali Khan Salar Jung III The Salarjung Museum is a royal treat to the connoisseurs with a collection of over 43000 art objects and 50000 books and manuscripts. The collections include Indian Art, Middle Eastern Art, Far Eastern Art, European Art, Children Art along with a Founders gallery and a rare manuscript section. Indian Art includes stone sculptures, bronze images, jade carvings, painted textiles, wood carvings, miniature paintings, modern art, ivory carvings, textiles, metal-ware, manuscript, arms & armour etc. Middle Eastern Art contains the collection of carpets, paper (manuscripts), glass, metal-ware, furniture, lacquer etc. from Persia, Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. Collection of Far Eastern Art exhibit porcelain, bronze, enamel, lacquerware, embroidery, painting, wood & inlay work from China, Japan, Tibet, Nepal and Thailand etc. Oil and watercolor paintings form an important part of the European Collection.

The museum building in a semicircular shape with 38 galleries, spread on two floors, displays only a part of the original collections. The ground floor has 20 galleries and the first floor has 18 galleries. The exhibits on different subjects are displayed in separate galleries.
Apart from the galleries, there is a reference Library, reading room, publication and education section, chemical conservation lab, sales counter, cafeteria etc. Guides are available at fixed timings free of charge. Important Exhibits
There are Aurangzeb's sword, daggers belonging to empress Noor Jehan, emperors Jehangir and Shah Jehan, the turbans and chair of Tippu Sultan, furniture from Egypt, paintings on display. Among the sculptures stands out the world famous statue of Veiled Rebecca,done by G.B. Benzoni, an Italian sculptor, in 1876. Her beautiful face hazily visible through a marble but gossamer veil. Equally captivating is a double-figure wood sculpture. It stands before a mirror and shows the facade of a nonchalant Mephistopheles and the image of a demure Margaretta in the mirror. The eastern section is of equal importance with its wide variety of silk weaving & different art forms like layer wood cutting paintings, porcelain works & many more dating back to almost 2nd century.
The Clock
A bewildering variety and array of clocks greets the visitor in the clock room. There are ancient Sandiaers in the form of obelisks to huge and modern clocks of the twentieth century. Others in the range vary from miniature clocks which need a magnifying glass to imbibe their beauty and complexity to stately grandfather clocks from as far away as France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Britain. A visual delight is the musical clock Salar Jung bought from Cook and Kelvy of England. Every hour, a timekeeper emerges from the upper deck of the clock to strike a gong as many times as it is the hour of the day.
The Indian Parliament has declared the museum an Institution of National Importance.
The museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00 (except on Fridays).

Nokia launches new Nokia C3

Nokia has announced the launch of its new QWERTY phone Nokia C3 offering a blend of style and technology. The handset is available in the UK and Indonesia.
The Nokia C3 features 2.4 inches TFT display with 256K colors and gives a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The company offers various multimedia options including 3.5 mm audio jack, FM radio and RDS.
It also features a 2 mega-pixel camera with 1600x1200 pixels and video recording on QCIF at 15 frames per second. It also offers messaging features like SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, and IM.
The phone however lacks support for third generation (3G) but offers easy access to various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. It also offers messaging features like SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, and IM.
The Nokia C3 has an internal memory of 55 MB which can be expanded to 16 GB through a Micro SD. Users will be able to save unlimited number of entries on Phonebook. The Photocall feature is also offered on the phone that allows users to add photos to each contact.
As for connectivity, it offers GPRS and EDGE for internet access, WAP 2.0/ xHTML and Opera Mini for easy browsing, v2.0 micro USB data port and Bluetooth. The Wi-Fi connectivity is also offered to allow users access the faster broadband speeds.
The phone also offers Java applications and provides support for MP4/ H.264/ H.263/ WMV player, MP3/ WAV/ WMA/ eAAC+ player and Flash Lite v3.0. The phone is priced at around 1.2 million rupiah or Rs. 6,13

Lemon Mobiles launches new mobile

Lemon Mobiles has introduced its all new Smartphone, the iQ 707 for the Indian markets. Opera Mini Browser is preloaded in this handset. So it will provide easy internet access to its users at point of time at any place.
The mobile has a QWERTY keyboard and a 3.2MP camera. Apart from that it has all other features that can attract the Indian consumers. It has Java features with quadband and EDGE.
iQ 707 has a2.2 inch display with facilities like FM, Voice Recorder, MP3 Player and Bluetooth. Opera Mini Web browser has been the main advantage of this phone over its contemporary rivals.

Hyderabad -Airport

F&B - Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad provides world class Food and Beverage counters in the Arrival, Departure Areas and the Airport Village. International brands like HMS Host, Blue Foods Private Limited, Cafe Coffee Day, Hard Rock Cafe, Cookie Man are serving the passengers at the Airport.
HMS Host
Hard Rock Cafe
Cookie Man
Chalo Chowpatty
MC Donalds
Pizza Hut
Indian Paradise
Duty Free - The Nuance-Shoppers' Stop consortium has developed the Retail Duty Free area at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad. Some of the best international brands and products ranging from perfumes, cosmetics, fashion accessories, confectionary, destination products, apparel etc are retailed at the Airport.
Book Store - Stores like Landmark and Odysseys are offering variety of books for the Passengers convenience at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.
Spirit of India - An initiative taken by GHIAL—appropriately named as “Spirit of India” -- to bring together retailers from across India with special focus on ethnic and contemporary products to promote the brands with Indian feel. The product ranges from handicrafts (tribal and regional), garments (ethnic and contemporary), jewellery (pearls, gems, gold, lac bangles), spiritual books, music and videos etc.
Bhavika Collections - A single stop shop for art and other collectibles from all over the globe. The retail franchise offers a range of products such as engraved crystals, silver materials, porcelain items and sculptures that are made from synthetic rocks. Some of the collectible art displayed are from the studios of famous artists.
Krishna Pearls - Krishna Pearls & Jewelers has launched its first Jewellery store at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. The store is located in the domestic departure area and will be a one stop shopping destination for Pearls & Gold Jewellery with Pearls and Semi precious stones.
Lounge - Rajiv Gandhi Internatiol Airport has 13 Business Class Lounges with services that include: Business Center, Baggage Hold, Limousine Service, Gymnasium, Shower, Napping areas and Massage services. There are three VIP lounges located at Departure, Arrival and at Remote gates on the ground level.
Plaza Premium Lounge
Nap & Shower Facility
Airline Lounges
Banking -
Foreign Exchange - At Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, the Foreign Exchange facility is offered by Travelex India Private Limited and Weizmann Forex Ltd, for money exchanging facilities.
ATMs - Axis, HDFC, Kotak, Vijaya, Canara and ING Vysya are offering ATM services at various levels of the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport for the ease of Passengers.Location of the ATM’s:
Domestic Departure's (On the left side after the Entrance) : ING Vysya Bank & HDFC Bank.
International Departure's (On the right side after the Entrance) : VIJAYA Bank.
Domestic Arrivals (In Baggage claim area) : AXIS Bank & Kotak Mahindra Bank.
International Arrivals (On the left, outside after the baggage claim area): Canara Bank.
SBI ATM and Canara Bank ATM in the Car Park Area.
Emergency -
Medical - Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited has provided the Medical Centre facility, equipped with a 24-hour pharmacy and 17-beds and well-trained doctors and paramedics available round the clock at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, to serve as an emergency treatment centre for passengers/visitors who may develop medical complications while on travel or in the airport premises. ‘Automatic External Defibrillators’ would soon be made available in passenger areas for use in cardiac emergencies. It also serves as important partner in disaster management during crisis periods such as explosion, fire, earthquake, plane crash etc. with stand-by ambulances fitted with advanced life-saving equipment within the airport premises.
Fire - Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting – RGIA has four sophisticated Fire Fighting vehicles – Rosenbauer – codenamed Panther.
GMR Help Desk-GMR Help Desk counters are available at Arrival area (both domestic & international side), Departure area (both domestic & international side) and in Airport Village area. The purpose of the Help Desk is to assist travelers with a variety of needs and concerns pertaining to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.
Other Services -
1) Terminal Facilities - Check-in Counters-To facilitate quicker turnaround times, there are 130 check-in counters and 16 self-check in counters for passengers carrying only cabin baggage.
Immigration Counters (46)
Departure - 23
Arrival - 22
Transit -1
In-line Baggage Handling System - RGIA is the first Indian airport to install the four level in-line baggage handling system.
Transfer Desk - There are four types of transfers available in the terminal these include:
Domestic to Domestic
International to International
Domestic to International
International to Domestic
2) Baggage Wrap - Secure wrap is offering wrapping services to the Passengers, for shielding the luggage's at various levels of Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.
3) Telephone / Internet - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited & Tata Teleservices Limited have provided Fixed Line (Voice & Data) services at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. With several telephone and internet kiosks that are conveniently located throughout the terminal, they have delivered the best telecom technology, global infrastructure, and the capacity for mass consumer outreach at the airport par with the facilities found in any other international airport. The airport operator has also procured and provided state of the art technology to supplement the infrastructure provided by the service providers to ensure all Airport users a tryst with true International standard access to all the teleservices and the ‘free W-Fi’ internet facilities*. A robust 99.99999% redundancy setup ensures Rajiv Gandhi International Airport to be a true world class facility!