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Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Osmania University is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in India

epitomizing the national agenda for higher education. “A pioneering and

performing university accredited by NAAC with the highest rating of five

stars in the service of the Nation, making higher education accessible,

affordable and meaningful to lakhs of students from a backward region”.

This aptly sums up the spirit and essence of Osmania University – the symbol of life

long learning.


Established in 1918, Osmania University is the 7th oldest university in the country, 3rd

oldest in south India and the oldest in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Named after its

founder Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the 7th Nizam of the then princely state of

Hyderabad, Osmania University is the first university in the country to impart

instruction through the medium of an Indian language i.e., Urdu with English as a

compulsory subject. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore lauded this revolutionary

experiment of a regional language as the medium of higher education.

The birth of Osmania University with the lofty ideals of synthesizing the ancient and

modern, the orient and occidental and development of national ethos in the

academic pursuits of a high order symbolized a renaissance in the Indian higher

education system.


Osmania University forms an integral part of the history, cosmopolitan culture,

architectural richness and legacy of the 400-year-old city of Hyderabad, which is fast

emerging as the knowledge capital of India. It is located on sprawling campus on

the East of Hyderabad.


With such a milieu and conducive academic ambience as the backdrop, the growth of

Osmania University has been carefully nurtured in teaching research and extension

to serve the socio-economically backward region of Telangana, its catchment area

and the country at large. The development of Osmania University during the last

eight decades witnessed the establishment of a large number of teaching

departments and the structuring of academic programmes, besides setting up of a

host of specialized centres such as the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental

Studies (RCUES), the Centre for Indian Ocean Studies (CIOS), the Research and

Training Centre for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), the Audio Visual Research

Centre (AVRC), the University Computer Centre (UCC), the Academic Staff College

(ASC), the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) for promotion of interinstitutional

collaboration and to offer consultancy and customized service. Growth is

also reflected in the decentralization of higher education through opening of off

campus PG centres in rural areas and extending access to education through

distance education to meet the increasing demands for higher education. The

academic diversity, physical spread and infra-structural strength add to the

University’s comprehensiveness and complexity at the turn of the new century.

Over the years, Osmania University has crossed several mile stones, made

significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and kept pace with

changing times and needs of new generations. It has transitioned from a

traditional university and traversing to become a pacesetter in the field of higher

education with an international outlook and global out reach. Osmania University

truly exemplifies continuity, change, tradition and modernity in higher learning.


Osmania University envisions to be the premier institution that offers teaching and

learning programmes of the best quality and graduate students who excel and

become leaders in their chosen walk of life contributing to the community, nation

and the world.”


The mission of the University is to achieve excellence in teaching and research, to

preserve and generate knowledge, to develop and enhance human resources, to

improve the quality of life and contribute to regional and national development in

harmony with culture, heritage and environment.


Osmania University is a multi-faculty, multi-campus, comprehensive, semiresidential

and the largest affiliating university with nearly 1000 affiliated colleges

under it.

There are 11 faculties and 52 academic departments. The University caters to the

educational needs of nearly 3 lakhs students by offering 30 courses at the UG level

(with158 combinations) and more than 100 courses at the PG level. M. Phil and

Doctoral programmes are offered in almost all the subjects. The University has

strength of 763 teaching and 2595 non-teaching staff.

The university functions through a network of 8 campus colleges, 5 constituent

colleges, 8 district PG Colleges and a vast network of affiliated colleges spread over 6

districts of Telangana (including twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad)

covering a geographical area of 60000 sq. kms with a population of over 20 millions.


The Research pursuits at the University are wide ranging, inter-disciplinary and of a

high order. The University Departments and Research centers have been performing

exceedingly well in this arena. During the past 5 years about 1112 Ph.D's and 250

M.Phil degrees have been awarded. About 190 Research Projects have been

completed in various departments and nearly 270 projects are under completion. The

faculty of the university is constantly engaged in research and publication, having

published 1735 articles and 191 books during the last five years.


Osmania University rightly envisages the Industry-Institute interaction and

international cooperation as the vehicles for promotion of excellence. Several

developmental activities have been undertaken to promote collaboration with

National and International organizations. 18 Research and Training centres have

been established with targeted aims and linkages with the industry. A Research

Development and Consultancy cell to facilitate consultancy and other activities

has also been established. In order to transform the students from job seekers to job

providers an Entrepreneurship Development Cell has also been established.

Placement cells have been activated at the college of engineering, technology,

science, and commerce & management. There is positive and encouraging response

from industry and corporate houses.

The University is pioneering the introduction of innovative programmes of study and

undertaking of socially relevant research by partnering the industry in this

endeavour. As part of this initiative, it has established a University – Industry Hub

with the objective to generate skilled human resources who can be quick starters

and to devise courses in consultation with the industry for promoting rapid economic

industrial growth of the country.


Alumni of Osmania University have distinguished themselves at the national and

international levels. They have spread far and wide globally and done their Alma

Mater proud by excelling themselves as academicians, administrators, scientists,

scholars, entrepreneurs and technocrats. Several of them have reached heights of

excellence in their respective fields and are significantly contributing to the socioeconomic

development of the nation and world at large.

Osmania University has always considered its alumni as a source of strength, support

and sustenance in its endeavors of scholarship, innovation and institution building in

higher education. The Alumni Association of Osmania University has been formed in

order to fulfill the long felt need for a forum and the cherished desires of its alumni.

It has been duly registered as a society. Alumni Associations are actively functioning

in USA and Saudi Arabia.


Osmania University envisages for itself a proactive role in re-engineering the higher

education system for the establishment a knowledge-based society. The University

has embarked upon far reaching initiatives to promote scholarship and innovation in

higher education and to modernize the University governance. These include the

introduction of Semester System, launching of new courses, establishment of new

centers of excellence, carving out of new faculties, conferment of autonomy on

campus and constituent colleges, restructuring of curriculum and courses,

strengthening of distance education, establishment of new institutional frame work

such as the Directorate of Admissions, Directorate of Academic Audit Cell, the

University Foreign Relations Office and the Council of Affiliated Colleges, networking

with overseas alumni for institution-building and international cooperation,

participation in the Association of Commonwealth Universities network, streamlining

of hostel management, modernization of University administration and examination


Healthy practices are in place in the University. These include academic schedule as

per almanac and introduction of semester system in UG and PG Courses in the

Campus and Constituent Colleges and increase of opportunities for students to

acquire IT and communication skills and web based learning. An Internal Quality

Assurance Cell has been established to monitor and sustain the quality of education

offered. A Central Facilities Building with an outlay of Rs. 4.5 crores will come up

soon. The Osmania University library also has been renovated and as part of its

modernization the digitization of manuscripts and books has been taken up. The

University has entered into an MoU with Carnegie Mellon University, USA for

digitization of books and Juma-Al-Majid Centre for Heritage and Culture, Dubai for

digitization of manuscripts. The Vision of Osmania, which depicts the glimpses of

the yester years of the university, located in the Library, has been given a facelift.

The University is conscious of need for constant innovations in curricular

restructuring and introduction of new programs of study to suit the requirements of

knowledge-based society. During the last year several courses have been redesigned

and new courses introduced which include M. Sc. (Geo-Informatics), M. Sc. (Forensic

Science) and B. Tech (Bio-Technology) and M.Phil(Policy studies) The University has

also introduced BA and M. A. in Psychology and M. Sc. in Statistics through distance



Osmania University has carved out a niche for its eminence through excellence in

higher education. The University has the distinction of being the first university in

the Andhra Pradesh to be accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation

Council (NAAC) with highest rating of 5 stars. The University College for Women is

the first institution in Andhra Pradesh to have won NAAC accreditation with A*****

in 1999. It has also secured re-accreditation in 2004. The Departments of

Electronics & communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering of

the University College of Engineering have been awarded ISO 9001 Certification by

the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India in 2001. Nizam College

and University College for Women have been recognized by UGC as Colleges with

Potential for Excellence.

An e-Learning resources center (LRC) and e-Class room with modern audio/video

and Multi media facilities have been established. Latest books and journals worth Rs.

90 lakhs have been added at the college library. Indo-US collaboration network

programme is made available to the students through EDUSAT.

The Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC) of Osmania University is the

first in Andhra Pradesh to produce web-based multimedia e-learning programs. The

UGC-Academic Staff College, Osmania University has been ranked third in the

country by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.


Today, at the beginning of the new millennium Osmania University is in the vanguard

and more than poised to meet the opportunities and challenges of near and distant

future. It stands out as the living symbol of enlightenment, emancipation and


Driven by the vision and determination and endowed with vast internal resources of

brain power, academic diversity, infra-structural strength and inherent institutional

capability coupled with remarkable resilience, Osmania University is all set to assume

a central position to shape the destiny of the national educational system and scale

new heights of excellence in the years to come.


Research Development and Consultancy Cell

The University established a “Research Development and Consultancy Cell” to

channel faculty resources to undertake sponsored research and consultancy, and

patenting activities for the University. It is envisaged as a single window agency to make

available the University talent to Industry and R&D Organization, and to generate

funding in the process.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Academic Staff College

Activities carried out

The Academic Staff College conducted thirteen Refresher Courses in the Sciences

and the Social Sciences, three Orientation Courses and a one week Workshop for

Principals of University and Degree Colleges, and one Orientation Course in Value

Education. The Orientation Course for Academic Administrators and workshop for

Principals discussed various dimensions relating to higher education and the reforms


Artificial Intelligence Centre

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims at developing computer capabilities towards

intelligent behavior to achieve human-level performance in all cognitive tasks. It

provides mathematical strength to capture and emulate the uncertainties associated with

certain perceptual and linguistic attributes of the human cognitive process. Its

objectives are to understand the computational principles underlying intelligence in man

and machines and to develop methods for building computer-based systems to solve

problems, to communicate with people, and to perceive and interact with the physical


􀂙 Serve as a nucleus for interaction and dissemination of information in the field of

Artificial Intelligence, i.e., to provide an interface between different disciplines,

􀂙 Use and direct their sensory and communicative mechanisms to gather

information about their environments and each other,

􀂙 Represent and reason about the world they inhabit,

􀂙 Coordinate their actions to cooperatively achieve goals and allocate their

resources effectively,

􀂙 Understand instructions or other communication from humans,

􀂙 Improve their performance by learning from experience, and

􀂙 To open a new paradigm for realisation of human-like information processing


Centre for Biotechnology

The Centre was established in the year 1996 by Osmania University, Hyderabad,

at the University College of Technology. This Centre has a unique Biotechnology Lab

equipped with the latest equipment and instruments for doing research and development

in the field of biotechnology. During the last few years research has been done in the

production of lactic acid, Itaconic acid, and Vanillin by fermentation. Research is also

being carried out in the development of biodegradable polymers using lactic acid,

industrial enzymes and probiotics.

The Centre

􀂙 Conducts research on projects of national and international importance

􀂙 Develops design equations and equipment for industrial applications

􀂙 Provides analytical and experimental (bench and pilot scale) facilities to all

departments of Osmania University, institutions and industries.

􀂙 Installs computer facilities with access to Network (WWW) to facilitate reference

of current work and trends in biotechnology

􀂙 Undertakes sponsored projects

􀂙 Offers short term courses to faculty and personnel from industries/ institutions to

create awareness in bioprocessing / bioprocesses

􀂙 Develops manpower by conducting training programmes

􀂙 Creates national storage facilities for organisms

􀂙 Develops and transfers technologies for improvement of rural areas.

􀂙 Develops eco-friendly technologies for biodegradation of solid & liquid wastes

􀂙 Liaisons industry-university interaction, and transfer of technologies.

Centre for Energy Technology

The Centre for Energy Technology located at the University College of Engineering

Campus, Osmania University was established during November 1997 with the objective

of promoting ‘new and renewable’ sources of energy.


􀂙 Demonstrate and promote renewable energy technologies.

􀂙 Render expertise and consultancy.

􀂙 Establish linkages with R&D and industrial organisations through collaborative


􀂙 Work in close collaboration with organisations such as MNES, IREDA, MOP, MOC,

NEDCAP,, etc. for attaining national objectives.

􀂙 Organise educational/training programmes

􀂙 Introduce renewable energy technologies to students

􀂙 Develop energy conservation technologies and environmentally benign clean coal


􀂙 Develop advanced energy efficient systems.

Centre for Indian Ocean Studies

The Centre for Indian Ocean Studies was established in 1983 as UGC’s Area

Study Centre dealing with urban development and regional planning in the Indian Ocean

region. The areas of research were diversified to geo-politics, urban development,

regional planning and trade and resource problems of the countries of the Indian Ocean

region. The Centre has a faculty drawn from the four social science disciplines viz.,

Economics, Geography, Political Science and Sociology.


The objectives of the Centre are to undertake studies of the Indian Ocean Region

countries from an inter-disciplinary social science angle, make recommendations to

serve as policy inputs to the Government of India’s External Affairs Ministry, to conduct

conferences and seminars on topics relevant to the region, and bring out Reports and

Books. The Centre brings out a bi-annual publication, Indian Ocean Digest.

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology

The CPMB was established in 1991 with financial assistance from the Dept. of

Biotechnology, Govt. of India.


􀂙 To conduct research in plant molecular biology and biotechnology.

􀂙 To develop human resource in the area of molecular biology and biotechnology.

Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management

The management of solid waste for the twin city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad

(50 lakh population) generating over 2500 tonnes of municipal solid waste every day is a

gigantic task. While local government/ municipal bodies can handle essentially the

collection and disposal of MSW, there are several other complementary aspects of solid

waste management, where other agencies can play a pivotal role. Important aspects

such as creating awareness amongst the public for better solid waste management,

motivating public at large to clean up local environment, training personnel as waste

management professionals, design and construction of transfer stations and landfills,

transfer of new technologies from developed countries, and research & developmental

activities are very vital and form an integral part of solid waste management

programmes. Since these aspects cannot be handled by the local government/ municipal

bodies, institutional support is absolutely necessary to implement the solid waste

management programmes effectively. It is with this perspective that Osmania University

felt the need to launch a “Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management”

(CSWTM) and serve the community at large, with its sole mission of creating a clean

environment to improve public health. Accordingly, the Centre (CSWTM) was established

in July 2000 with the objective of creating a clean environment by undertaking the

various activities stated above.


􀂙 To create awareness amongst the public about the need for better solid waste


􀂙 To provide public education about reduction in Solid Waste.

􀂙 To disseminate the know-how about simple methods of disposing Solid Waste.

􀂙 To motivate the public at large to clean up the local environment.

􀂙 To develop training modules about latest technologies and impart training to Solid

Waste Management personnel.

􀂙 To provide consultancy services on design and constructions of transfer stations

and landfill sites.

􀂙 To provide advisory services on identification of probable landfill sites

􀂙 To provide consultation, on operation, closure and post closure of the landfills.

􀂙 To facilitate and disseminate transfer of latest technology from developed


􀂙 To encourage and carryout additional research and developmental activities.

􀂙 To work in liaison with Public and Private organisations on various aspects of Solid

Waste Technology and Management, and thus achieve the principal goal of clean

environment and improved public health.

Centre for Study in Bio-Terrorism and Public Health Policy

􀂙 The Centre aims to serve as a nodal agency between scientists from various

disciplines belonging to life sciences, medical sciences, social sciences,

management, defense personnel, public health policy makers, media, and

community for wider discussion, awareness, preparedness, response and health

care plans to counter the threats of chemical and bio terrorism.

􀂙 It will provide critical support to the homeland defence initiatives of the

Government to enable government officials to formulate policy, acquire key

systems and manage resources in security and public health management.

􀂙 It will prepare instruction specific response plans to different agencies of

government for effective coordination and concerted action.

􀂙 It will establish databases for the efficacy of various chemical and biological

weapons and their neutralization procedures, and initiate collaboration with

research organisations, Universities/ Academic institutions.

􀂙 It will design disaster management manuals for the use of various government

and non-government organisations to meet the threat of bio-terrorism effectives.

Centre for Quantitative Methods

􀂙 To encourage and inculcate quantitative approach to research in various fields of

study. To provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussions in (quantitative)

model building and data analysis among the faculty and (research) students of

the University including affiliated colleges and centres connected with the


􀂙 To achieve these academic objectives, the Centre will :

􀂙 Facilitate scientific computation and non-commercial data processing and

quantitative data analysis and modeling, by way of providing (a) computational

facility (PC’s and scientific software) for research connected with the University

and (b) advise and give computational/programme assistance to the researchers.

􀂙 Acquire books having a bearing on Quantitative Modeling and Data Analysis as

also some expository books in related areas, for reference to the scholars.

􀂙 Organize courses for hands-on-training in data analysis.

Centre for Women’s Studies

The Centre for Women’s Studies was established in 1997 to promote an

interdisciplinary academic field, which focuses on the analysis of human culture in the

light of women’s experience. It examines the status of women and their contribution to

cultural traditions in society. The Centre encourages discourse on women’s

empowerment, issues related to woman’s health and economic independence, education

and political participation by creating a platform for both social activists and

academicians to share the common concerns of women. It tries to promote Women’s

Studies through teaching, research, counselling and social activism.


􀂙 To develop interdisciplinary research on studies concerning women, gender issues

and human relations.

􀂙 To organize local, national and international seminars, conferences, colloquia and

workshops on women and gender studies.

􀂙 To publish research findings on women’s studies and gender issues.

􀂙 To develop networking among various individuals, institutions and organisations

working at micro and macro levels for the cause of women’s upliftment and


􀂙 To evaluate, identify, recognize and publicize the contribution of women at

various levels like family, neighbourhood, education, health, technology, media,

literature, environment protection, culture, religion, industry, commerce, politics,

administration, and problem solving issues.

Educational Multimedia Research Centre

􀂙 EMMRC, Osmania University, was established by the UGC in 1983 to produce

educational video films for telecast on Doordarshan. The Centre has so far

produced more than 537 educational programmes. The educational programmes

are telecast twice daily under the caption “Country Wide Classroom” (CWCR) of

DDI & Higher Education Channel. The primary aim of EMMRC is to take quality

education to the rural areas. Most of the programmes focus on the academic

needs of the UG and PG students. The Centre is closely associated with many

institutions like IICT, CCMB, NIN, etc. in its pursuit of excellence.

􀂙 As per the UGC-CEC latest guidelines, the Centre is making programmes on the

lines of the syllabus based subjects of Sociology, Hotel Management, History,

Crime & Society and other enrichment based programmes for the benefit of

undergraduate students.

Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases

The Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases established in 1978 is

a premier research Institute under Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. It

provides genetic services, conducts multi-disciplinary research and provides training in

medical genetics.


􀂙 Maintenance of genetic registry

􀂙 Pre-natal and post-natal diagnosis of genetic diseases

􀂙 Carrier detection and management

􀂙 Research into pathogenesis and development of new diagnostic tools

􀂙 Monitoring of populations for environmental and occupational hazards

􀂙 Prospective (premarital and preconceptional) and retrospective genetic


Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics

The Department of Electronics (DoE), Government of India, realising the

importance of navigational electronics and the specific needs of the Dept. of Civil

Aviation and the Indian Air Force, decided to create a national centre for expertise in this

area. Proposals were invited, and the one submitted by the Department of Electronics

and Communication Engineering, Osmania University, was selected. Thus the R and T

Unit for Navigational Electronics came into being on 1st April, 1982 as a sponsored

project of the DoE. It continued to enjoy this status until September 1992 when, in

recognition of the excellent services rendered by it to user organisations, the

Government of Andhra Pradesh made it a permanent establishment of Osmania

University by funding its recurring expenditure.


􀂙 To conduct research in the frontier areas of navigational electronics covering the

current state-of-the art technologies.

􀂙 To identify research topics based on sponsoring agencies’ requirement, and for

research work at the national and international level for B.E., M.E., and Ph.D.


􀂙 To execute sponsored and consultancy projects.

􀂙 To conduct short-term courses, workshops and symposia in the broad area of

navigational Electronics that will aid manpower development in this area.

Research Development & Consultancy Cell

Research Development & Consultancy Cell was first established in 1996 as an

individual unit in each College. A Committee was established in 2003 to revise the

guidelines of Research Development & Consultancy Cell. The Executive Council in 2004,

approved the revised guidelines framed by the Committee. A centralised Research

Development & Consultancy Cell and its Advisory Committee was created in March 2004.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology

The Ross Memorial Society, Hyderabad (A. P.), took over the possession of Ross

Memorial Building from the Airport Authority of India, Hyderabad Airport, Begumpet,

Hyderabad - 500 016 in the year 1979. In realization of its earnest objectives of

continuing and promoting Ross’s legacy of researches in malaria and other parasitic

diseases prevalent in this part of the Tropics, the Ross Memorial Society established a

Research Institute of Parasitology, christened in the name of Major Dr. Sir Ronald Ross.

Sir Ronald Ross made an epoch-making discovery in the very same building in 1897. He

announced that malaria is transmitted from a malariated person to a healthy person

through the bite of a vector, the female Anopheles (mosquito). For this great discovery,

he received the prestigious Nobel Prize of 1902 in Physiology and Medicine. The Ross

Memorial Society also established a modest Ross Memorial Museum with the portraits,

illustrative of the biography of the great benefactor of mankind, the late Sir Ronald Ross

and his discovery of malaria transmission. The Ross Memorial Society, handed over the

Ross Memorial Building including the Sir Ronald Institute of Parasitology and Ross

Memorial Museum to Osmania University in 1993 and the same is now under its full

administrative control. The entire building was renovated to its original form in the year

1997 during the centenary celebrations of Ross’s discovery of malaria transmission.

Training and Orientation Centre

The National Service Scheme is a noble experiment in academic expansion. It

inculcates the spirit of Voluntary Work among the students and teachers through

sustained community interactions. It brings academic institutions closer to society. It

shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve results, which are desirable for

community development. Over the years, the NSS has emerged as India’s largest

student youth movement involving linkages with the community.

In India, the idea of involving students in the task of national service dates back

to the time of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The central theme which he

tried to impress upon his student audience time and again was that they should always

keep before them their social responsibilities. Advising them to form a linking contact

with the community in whose midst their institution was located he suggested that

instead of undertaking academic research about economic and social disability the

students should do “something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to

a higher material and moral level”.

As per the guidelines of the Government of India, each Training and Orientation

Centre has to conduct 5 (Five) Orientation Training Programmes of 10 (Ten) days for

Untrained Programme Officers, and 3 (Three) Refresher Training Programmes of 5 (Five)

days for already trained officer through Orientation Training Programmes. These training

programmes impart effective skills to all NSS-programme officers of the different

Universities of Andhra Pradesh, for the successful implementation of NSS programmes.

Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies

The Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies, Osmania University

[RCUES-OU] constitutes a unique paradigm for institutional collaboration and

cooperation for Capacity Building, Organisational Re-engineering and Institutional

Strengthening in the areas of Urban Development and Management, Poverty Reduction

and Development. It was established in the year 1970 by the Ministry of Urban Affairs

and Employment, Government of India. The RCUES-OU is a strategic intervention on the

part of the Govt. of India and it addresses the Research and Training needs of the

constituent states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu and the Union

Territory of Pondicherry in the following areas of Administration and Management of the

Urban Sector viz., Municipal Administration & Management, Poverty Alleviation, Urban

Community Development and Monitoring the Quality of Life; Town and Country Planning;

Public Health Engineering and Projects; Public Housing, Strategies for Identification of

Appropriate Technology & Cost Reduction; Sustainable Development and Management of

Urban Infrastructure and Services; Financial Management and Entrepreneurship

Development and Cooperative Banking.


􀂙 To generate and disseminate information pertinent to policy planning, strategy

formulation, action planning, program implementation and management;

􀂙 To undertake applied research, identify and formulate action plans to resolve

problems relating to urban development, administration and management;

􀂙 To define and organise access to responsive knowledge or skill transfer to the

personnel – Elected as well as the cadres of Civil Service – involved in the

management of the urban sector;

􀂙 To conceptualise and organize seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, etc.,

on the wide band of issues, problems and practices pertaining to the

management and administration of urban development and management; and

􀂙 To facilitate synergetic interaction between academics and professionals through

project based re-training facilities and extension education programs.

Centre for Educational Development of Minorities

The basic problem of minorities is educational and economic backwardness. In

order to overcome this problem the government of Andhra Pradesh formulated a few

schemes for the socio-economic and educational development of the minorities based on

a socio-economic survey conducted by Osmania University.

The Minorities Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh identified

Osmania University as the nodal agency to implement projects for the development of

the minorities in the state. Osmania University established the Centre for Educational

Development of Minorities at Nizam College in 1994.


The Centre has been implementing the following two major projects sponsored by

the State Government since 1994.

􀂙 An integrated project on improving the classroom performance of school children

belonging to minorities.

􀂙 A comprehensive project on improving the participation and performance of

minority candidates in competitive examinations.

Competitive Examination Coaching Centre

To organise appropriate coaching classes to prepare candidates belonging to

socially and educationally backward and minority groups for competing in various

Competitive Examinations for recruitment to services under the Central & State

Governments and Nationalized Banks.

To provide guidance in choosing a career.

To provide coaching facilities for EAMCET and other Entrance Examinations.

Mission of the Centre

Educational development of weaker sections amongst educationally backward

minority communities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Employment Information & Guidance Bureau

The Bureau was established in 1962 as a joint venture with the Department of

Employment and Training, Govt. of A.P. University employment information and

guidance bureau is a wing of the Department of Employment and Training, Government

of Andhra Pradesh. Its activities include registration of unemployed graduates,

vocational, professional and career guidance and counseling. It displays on its notice

board the vacancies notified by different employers. It also arranges lectures on various

facets of career planning and job opportunities.


Objectives of the Bureau are providing Career Information, Guidance, Counseling,

and registering the professional and executive standard applicants to show suitable

employment opportunities as per the requirement of the employers.

English Language Training Centre

The English Language Training Centre is a UGC sponsored University Centre. It

was established in 1988 to improve the English Language Teaching / Learning, and

enhance the standards of English. Since then the Centre has been offering new courses

in association with foreign experts. These courses have been very effective in helping

campus students and others in acquiring proficiency in English which has become very

essential in India for career and mobility.

With a decade and a half of experience in English Language Teaching and

Training, the Centre has designed many new programmes. The courses are designed

with the help of the Academic Advisory Committee, after long deliberations, considering

the changing needs of English. Study Materials are prepared for every course by highly

qualified and experienced teachers. The courses offered are of high quality besides being

accessible to students, teaches, employees and professionals.


􀂙 To run need based English Courses;

􀂙 To provide Remedial Courses;

􀂙 To help the College and University students in English language expertise;

􀂙 To offer Courses to professionals (lawyers, engineers, doctors, paramedical staff

and software users etc.);

􀂙 To organise training programmes for school and college teachers;

􀂙 To offer advice and assistance to individual colleges in terms of their language

needs; and

􀂙 To undertake research activities.

Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Cell

This Cell has been constituted to monitor the effective implementation of

reservations to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category students with regard to


Admission into various university study programmes

Appointment to teaching and other jobs

Accommodation into hostels

Social welfare scholarships

The Cell also sends regular reports to the Commission of Enquiry, organizes

lectures on socio-economic awareness aspects, conducts teacher training programmes

and attends to the grievances of SC and ST teachers and students.

University Health Centre

The Health Centre offers free medical treatment to students, staff and their families.

There are specialists attached to the Centre who offer expert medical advice. The Health

Centre situated in the University’s main campus, is located near the B-Hostel building. It

is open from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.

The Chief Medical Officer, assisted by a team of competent doctors, heads it. Staff and

students receive only out-patient treatment at this Centre. Besides this, each of the

Constituent Colleges has its own Health Centre located within its premises.

National Service Scheme

The main aim of this scheme is Service through education and personality

development through service, it is planned for educated youth and programmed around

youth and it tops the potentials of Youth and for National construction and national

regeneration. Above all understanding a human beings their needs, feelings, and work

for their betterment. The NSS Develops the Social ethics involves, several human values

like sincerity, honesty, discipline, loyalty, freedom, dignity of labour, individuality,

understanding other Cooperation, motivation, equality, integrity, brotherhood, character

building and thinking for others are the prime request of NSS Volunteers and


NSS unit of Osmania University hosted the state level NSS Youth Festival,

members from all universities participated in Cultural activities, Quiz competitions,

debates organized by the unit. The NSS unit has taken up regular activities like

Orientation Lectures, Awareness Program on HIV and AIDS, Superstition, Puls Polio,

Child Labour, Health Checkup, Hygiene and Sanitation. Conducted Peace walks, Mega

Camps, Blood Donation, Eye Donation and Tree Plantation. The NSS cell with moto “Not

Me But You” and always in the forefront to inculcate Foster of National Integration and

rendered service to the community.

Osmania University International Placement Service

The Centre was established vide the EC resolution in the year 2001. The Centre

aims at dissemination of the employment information to Students (Job seekers) and

Industries (Job providers) through its web site.

Students Welfare Department

The Office of the Students’ Welfare Department is located in the Office of the

Registrar, Osmania University and is headed by the Dean, Students Affairs. Its basic

mandate is to look into the grievances, if any, of the students and help in redressing

them. It also plays a pivotal role in organizing cultural and recreational activities of

students. Youth Welfare Officers assist him. He can be contacted at any time by the

students for help on academic, personal, health and financial matters.

University Foreign Relations Office

Osmania University is now emerging as a frontline International University. The

University now is a host to students from several foreign countries. Over 400 foreign

students, from some 27 countries, are currently on rolls studying in different colleges

and university departments spread over various faculties. The countries of their origin

being Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Yemen,

Ethipia, Oman, Uganda, Nepal, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Canada, USA, Pakistan, Palestine,

Syria, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, UAE, Denmark, Europia, Trinidad (W.I) and UK. Realising the

importance of catering to the needs of foreign students the Univeristy, in December

1999, established a University Foreign Relations Office (UFRO). The UFRO assists in

fostering relations between universities both Indian and foreign and helps in exchange

programmes involving staff, scholars and students.


UFRO facilitates admission of foreign students at Osmania University and assists

in fostering relations with foreign universities and helps in exchange programmes

involving staff, scholars and students.

􀂙 Provides International students and visitors with all information pertaining to

academic and other services available in the university.

􀂙 Responds to the requests of foreign students/scholars and their families by

serving as a nodal point

􀂙 Promotes appreciation and understanding of different cultures

􀂙 Works with academic departments of the university to develop, coordinate and

promote joint academic programmes with foreign universities.

􀂙 Extends all help in finding suitable accommodation for foreign students / scholars.

􀂙 Organises orientation programmes to meet the immediate and continuing needs

of new foreign students and makes them familiar with the university set-up, and

the city of Hyderabad.

􀂙 Arranges health insurance, and bridge courses for improving their English

language skills.

􀂙 Established contacts with many Indian Consulate Offices working abroad for

attracting more number of foreign students.

􀂙 Associated itself with the UGC on Promotion of Indian Higher Education Abroad

(PIHEAD) programme

􀂙 Established a Students Hostel to attract more foreign Students to OU.

􀂙 Established good relations with ICCR, Min. of Cultural Affairs for getting more

number of sponsored candidates.

Directorate of Academic Audit Cell

The Academic Audit Cell was established in the year 1978 in order to monitor

effectively the academic and administrative functioning of the affiliated colleges under

Osmania University. It was a unique concept initiated by Osmania University not found in

any other Universities. Following the lines of Osmania University, the AP Vice-Chancellors

conference passed a resolution to establish this office in other Universities of the State.

The Academic Audit Cell performs several functions such as extension of affiliation

and grant of affiliations to Colleges and courses, conduct of inspections, nomination of

Governing Body members, Selection Committee members and approval of teachers

appointed through the duly constituted selection committee in unaided colleges. Apart

from these functions, inspections are also conducted by the Academic Audit Cell during

the academic year I) to attend to the redressal of grievances of students, staff and

managements of colleges and ii) to monitor teaching diaries, conduct of classes,

availability of teaching and non-teaching staff and the up-keep and maintenance of

Laboratories and Libraries and various records.


The main objective of the Academic Audit Cell is to ensure, strengthen and

sustain academic standards in affiliated colleges through college inspections and

verification of records.

College Development Council

The University Grants Commission has accorded a sky-scraping priority to the

development and improvement of the standards of affiliated Private [Aided (The colleges

other than the Government Colleges which receive aid out of the Andhra Pradesh State

Government Funds) and Unaided] and Government colleges [The colleges within

Osmania University area in accordance with the conditions prescribed] and Constituent

colleges (The colleges located outside Osmania University Campus and established or

maintained by Osmania University for providing courses in accordance with regulations

prescribed by statues, Ordinance or Regulations) in view of the fact that a substantial

number of the student population receive education through these institutions.

Therefore Osmania University has approved the establishment of the College

Development Council.


The College Development Council functions as a liaison between the affiliated

private [Aided and Unaided]/Govt./University constituent colleges under the jurisdiction

of Osmania University [Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Medak and

Nizamabad districts of the Telangana region] and the University Grants Commission,

New Delhi and South Eastern Regional Office (SERO) Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh

State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). It is a coordinating body between all these

institutions The College Development Council, Osmania University is guided by the Vice-

Chancellor, the Registrar, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education [APSCHE]

and Government of Andhra Pradesh. The College Development Council, Osmania

University will, inter alia,

􀂙 Assist the affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University for

inclusion under Sec. 2[f] & 12[B] of the UGC Act, 1956

􀂙 Coordinate with the University Grants Commission in conferring and for extension

of autonomous status to the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University

􀂙 Assist the University in constituting the Governing Bodies, Board of Studies and

Academic Councils of Autonomous colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Assist the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University in getting financial

assistance from the University Grants Commission under various schemes

launched from time to time

􀂙 Coordinate in the implementation of Faculty Improvement Programme [FIP] for

the teachers working on permanent basis in the

affiliated private/Government colleges [included under section 2(f) and 12(b) of

the University Grants Commission Act, 1956] under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Coordinate with the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for the

starting of new private unaided Degree Colleges, Under Graduate, Post Graduate

and Diploma courses under the jurisdiction of Osmania University.

District Post Graduate Colleges

The Office of the Director, District Post Graduate Colleges, Osmania University

was established in the year 1976 to start Post Graduate Centres in the Telangana

Districts of Andhra Pradesh. At Present, the eight O.U. P.G. Colleges in Districts under

the control of the Director, offer regular and Professional courses. The regular courses

that are offered are M.Com, M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Chemistry) and M.A. Political

Science. The Professional courses offered are : MCA and MBA. The Colleges are as

follows :

1. O.U. P.G. College, Bhiknur

2. O.U. P.G. College, Mirzapur

3. O.U. P.G. College, Nalgonda

4. O.U. P.G. College, Mahabubnagar

5. O.U. P.G. College, Medak

6. O.U. P.G. College, Siddipet

7. O.U. P.G. College, Gadwal

8. O.U. P.G. College, Vikarabad.


To monitor and administer the District Post Graduate Colleges of Osmania


PRof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education

I. Introduction

Osmania University established the Institute of Correspondence Courses in 1977.

It renamed the same as Centre for Distance Education in 1989, and again renamed it in

honour of Prof. G. Ram Reddy, former Vice Chancellor of Osmania University. It has

evolved into a premier institution in the field of Distance Education during the last twenty

six years of its existence. The Centre offers the following courses at the U.G. and P.G.

level :

Pre-degree Courses in Oriental Language (Telugu) :

B.A. Oriental Languages (Telugu)



P.G. Diplomas :

P.G. Diploma in Maths

P.G. Diploma in Business Management

P.G. Diploma in English Language Teaching

P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications

Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics

M.A. Philosophy

M.A. English

M.A. Hindi

M.A. Telugu

M.A. Urdu

M.A. Sanskrit

M.A. Economics

M.A. Pol. Science

M.A. P.P.M.

M.A. History

M.A. Sociology

M.A. Psychology


M.Sc. Mathematics


Modular Certificate Courses.

At present the student support services at the Centre for Distance Education are

essentially based on the supply of reading materials for home study to the learner,

supported and supplemented by facilities like Study Centres/Authorised Learning

Centres, and Audio-Visual aids. This was well received by the student target groups.

II. The functions of Centre for Distance Education include

􀂙 To provide a system of learner centred self-paced studies;

􀂙 To provide flexible, diversified and need based courses;

􀂙 To provide access to all, in order to realise ‘ Higher Education For All (HEFA)’; and

􀂙 To facilitate knowledge acquisition through out one’s life, and be an active

member in a knowledge oriented society.

III. The Major Initiatives

B.A. Psychology and M.A. Psychology was introduced during the year 2004–2005.

Directorate of Admissions

The Directorate of Admissions was established on 31-12-1999 to centralize the

admissions to all the post graduate and research courses offered by Osmania University

in the campus, constituent, district and affiliated P.G. Colleges. It is headed by a Director

and 3 Joint Directors, one each from the faculties of Arts & Social Sciences, Science, and

Management/Commerce. During the academic year 2004-2005, entrance tests for all

P.G. Courses and P.G. Diplomas were conducted and centralized admissions were made.


􀂙 To conduct entrance examinations for admission into P.G. and M.Phil. Courses.

􀂙 To centralize the admission process to various post graduate courses offered by

the University in various faculties and to bring uniformity in implementing rules

and regulations.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates into various

P.G. courses offered by Minority Institutions.

􀂙 To conduct counseling and admit students into MBA & MCA courses of the

University & Affiliated Colleges.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates under NRI

quota/ Management quota into M.B.A., M.C.A., B.Ed., B.E. & Pharmacy courses

offered by Minority & Non-Minority institutions.

Admission guidelines for Under Graduate Courses

Guidelines for admission to Ist year degree courses for the academic year 2006-2007 and request you

to follow the same scrupulously for the smooth conduct of admissions : -


1. a) Candidates seeking admission to Ist year B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./


B.Com.(Voc.)/B.Com(Hons) /BSW Degree courses must have passed the Two

year Intermediate Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate

Education, Andhra Pradesh or an Examination of any other University/Board

recognized as equivalent there to (other than pre-degree course in Oriental


b) Admission to Ist year B.Com.(Hons.)/BSW courses shall be through an Aptitude

Test/Entrance Test conducted by the Colleges/Department concerned. The Selection

of the candidates shall be based on the merit obtained at the Aptitude Test/Entrance


c) In respect of candidates who have passed +2 examination conducted by Boards other

than Intermediate examination of Andhra Pradesh, CBSE and ICSE, the Principals

may direct the candidates to obtain and produce Eligibility Certificate from the

University. The candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.1000/- through D.D. drawn

in favour of the “Registrar, OU” and submit the Xerox copies of Memo of

Marks/Certificates of the qualifying examination to the Dy.Registrar (Academic),OU for

issue of Eligibility Certificate. The Admission of such candidate should be finalized

only after production of

Eligibility Certificate. All such eligibility certificates shall be obtained before the last date for

filling vacancies, if any i.e. before 31.08.2006. Requests for issue of Eligibility

Certificate after 31-8-2006 will not be entertained.

d) However, those candidates who have passed ;

i) The All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the

Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and

ii) The Indian Certificate of School Examination conducted by the Council

for Indian Certificate of School Education, New Delhi -

may be admitted by the Principals, without insisting on Eligibility Certificate, subject to

the condition that they have passed in English and four other subjects, i.e., a total of

Five subjects. For admission into B.Sc. candidates should have passed concerned

subjects i.e. Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology as the case may be.

e) Candidates who have passed the following examinations are NOT ELIGIBLE for

admission to degree courses, since these are Fake Boards.

i) All India Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

ii) Board of Adult Education & Training, New Delhi (Uttar Madhyama)

iii) Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi

NOTE: In case of any doubts regarding the recognition of

examination (OR) eligibility of candidates, the Principals may

refer such cases with all relevant documents for

clarification before finalizing admission on or before


2. a) Admission to Ist year of the 3 - years Degree courses will be made in order of merit

as shown by aggregate marks secured by the candidates at the qualifying

examination in one attempt.

b) Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination in parts will also be

considered for admission but their cases will be considered only when candidates

under category(a) above are not available.

3. a) Candidates seeking admission to B.Sc. Ist year course should have passed and

secured an aggregate of 40% marks(pass percentage in case of Scheduled Caste and

Scheduled Tribes) in the concerned Science subjects (i.e. Physical Sciences and

Mathematics OR Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences, as the case may be) at the

qualifying examination. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination with

Arts/Commerce subjects are not eligible for admission to B.Sc. course.

b) Candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination with Mathematics, Economics

and Commerce subjects can be considered eligible for admission to B.Sc.(Maths,

Statistics and Computer Science) combination only.

c) Candidates who have passed qualifying examination with Science/Arts/ Commerce

subjects are eligible for admission to B.A./B.Com/B.Com (Hons.) & (Comp.)/BSW


d) Candidates seeking admission to BSW course should have secured not less than 40%

marks in aggregate.

4. While calculating the percentage of marks for admission, 0.5 and above be treated as 1(i.e.

39.5% and above shall be treated as 40%).

5. There is no minimum percentage of marks in English subject at the Intermediate

Examination for admission to degree courses in English Medium. Hence, candidates be

admitted to either English Medium, or to any other regional Media Classes available at the

College, irrespective of marks obtained by them in English subject and also irrespective of

the medium through which they have passed the qualifying examination.

6. Admission to Ist year of 3 year degree course in the Constituent Colleges of Osmania

University and Government Affiliated Colleges will be made in accordance with Andhra

Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974.

7. a) 60% of the total number of seats available in B.Com in any college shall be reserved


candidates who have studied and passed the qualifying examination with Commerce


b) 50% of seats in B.A. course are reserved for the candidates who have studied

atleast one subject under Social Sciences or Humanities at the Intermediate level.

8. Candidates who have discontinued the studies in the first year B.A./B.Sc. OR B.Com may

be permitted to seek admission in the first year of B.A./B.Sc. or B.Com. courses in the

subsequent year or years, provided they come in order of merit during the year of



There shall be reservation of seats for SCs, STs & BCs as given below:

(A) Scheduled Castes A total of 15% of seats shall be reserved for


belonging to the Scheduled Castes Category.

(B) Scheduled Tribes :: A total of 6% of seats shall be reserved for

candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes


(C) Backward Classes :: A total of 25% seats shall be reserved

for the candidates in respect of B.C. candidates as

shown below :

Group – A 7%

Group – B 10% Total 25%

Group – C 1%

Group – D 7%

NOTE : (a) Candidates belonging to the above categories should submit Community, Nativity and Date

of Birth Certificate as per of Social Welfare Dept., dt. 12.5.1997.

(b) SC. ST & BC candidates who get seats in merit be not counted against the seats reserved

for them and such candidates will be considered under the general category of seats.

(c) If sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill up the seats reserved for SC’s


shall be filled up by suitable candidates from ST’s and Vice-versa. If the required number of

candidates are not available for filling the quota of seats reserved for SC’s & ST’s they may

be filled by candidates from the general pool on the basis of the merit.

(d) While filling up the seats reserved for Backward Class-A, the qualified Backward class –A

candidates should be considered in the order of merit after filling up the un-reserved seats.

If qualified Backward Class-A candidates are not available, the turn will go to Backward

Class-B, Backward Class-C or Backward Class-D in the order of merit in each group”. If no

suitable candidate is available in any of the four groups, the seats shall be filled up from

general pool on the basis of merit.





A maximum of 6% of the seats of Degree courses shall be reserved for candidates who

have distinguished themselves in Sports, Extra-Curricular activities, N.C.C., and A.C.C.

and children of Ex-Servicemen and Armed personnel as follows :-

(i) Reservation for N.C.C. and A.C.C.: - 2% of seats are reserved for students possessing

the prescribed certificates in N.C.C. and A.C.C. The selection of the candidates shall be

made in the following orders of preference :

(a) Holders of ‘C’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-II Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-II Certificate for Girls from High Schools.

(b) Holders of ‘B’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-I Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-I Certificate for Girls from High Schools.


(c) Holders of A.C.C. Certificates for Boys and Girls from Schools.

NOTE : The candidates with one year Training in the Air Wing of N.C.C. shall for purpose of

admission, be treated on par with the candidates possessing ‘B” and A-I Certificates

of the Army, Naval Wings subject to the conditions that the candidates should

produce a certificate from the Director, N.C.C. to the effect that he, is perfect in his

course and also give an undertaking that he should continue and obtain his ’B’

Certificate in the Air Wing.

(ii) Reservation of seats for Games and Sports : 2% of the seats are reserved for students

who have participated in the games and sports (list given below). The Selection of the

candidates under this category shall be made in order of preference.

NOTE : For the purpose of this rule only the following games will be taken into consideration.

1. Athletics (Men & Women)

2. Badminton (Men & Women)

3. Ball Badminton (Men & Women)

4. Basket Ball (Men & Women)

5. Boxing (Men )

6. Chess (Men & Women)

7. Cricket (Men & Women)

8. Cycling (Men & Women)

9. Foot Ball (Men & Women)

10. Gymnastic & Malkamb (Men & Women)

11. Hand Ball (Men & Women)

12. Hockey (Men & Women)

13. Jude (Men & Women)

14. Kabaddi (Men & Women)

15. Kho-Kho (Men & Women)

16. Rowing (Men & Women)

17. Softball Racket (Men & Women)

18. Squash Racket (Men)

19. Swimming, Diving & Water Polo (Men & Women)

20. Table Tennis (Men & Women)

21. Tennis (Men & Women)

22. Volley Ball (Men & Women)

23. Weight lifting (Men & Women)

24. Best Physique (Men)

25. Cross Country (Men & Women)

26. Wrestling (Men )

27. Yogasanas (Men & Women)

28. Korf ball

29. Water Sailing

iii) Reservation of seats for Extra-Curricular activities :

1% of the seats shall be reserved for students who participated in Extra Curricular

activities such as Elocution, Debates, Essay and Fine Arts such as Dance : Drama, Music Painting,

Photography and president Scouts and Guides certificate holders. The Selection of candidates

shall be made in the following order or preference.

1. Candidates who have represented India at the International level in Extra Curricular

activities and President Scouts and Guides.

2. Candidates who have represented the State at the All India level in the Extra

Curricular activities or obtained prize at competition of All India Level.

3. Candidates who have represented the University at the Inter University Level and

those who have participated in the Inter School level.

NOTE : (a) Selection of candidates with the minimum percentage of marks prescribed for

admission under categories mentioned in item i, ii, and iii shall be made in the orders of

preference indicated therein.

(b) Whenever there are more candidates with the same merit than the actual number of seats

available under the categories specified in item i, ii, and iii above admission shall be regulated by

the marks obtained at the qualifying examination.

iv) Reservation of seats for children of Ex-Servicemen and Children of Armed Personnel :

1% of the seats are reserved for children of Ex-Servicemen and children of Armed

personnel, in the following order of preference :

Priority 1 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel killed in action

Priority 2 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel disabled in action and invalidated out from

service of Medical grounds.

Priority 3 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards, the

order of merit for consideration of the Gallantry Awards being as given below :

i) Param Vir Chakra ii) Ashoka Chakra

iii) Sarvotham Yudh Seva Medal iv) Mahavir Chakra

v) Kirti Chakra vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal

vii) Vir Chakra viii) Shourya Chakra

ix) Yudha Seva Medal x) Sena/Nau Sena/Vayu Sena Medal

xi) Mention in Dispatches.

Priority 4 : Children of other Ex-Servicemen, Servicemen.

11. Reservation of Seats for Physically Handicapped :

3% of the total number of seats in I year of Degree courses shall be reserved for the

Physically Handicapped persons in the following order :-

i) First Priority to those who have visual defects,

ii) Second Priority to those who have defects of the upper limbs, and

iii) Third Priority to those with defects in the lower limbs.

12. Reservation of Seats for Women Candidates :

33 1/3% of seats shall be reserved for women in co-education Government and Aided

Degree Colleges. If women candidates are not available, the seats reserved for women

and remaining unfilled shall be filled by men candidates.


a) Change of Medium :

Candidates admitted to a particular medium in the 1st year shall not be permitted to change to

another medium in the 2nd and 3rd year. They have to answer the optional papers of all the 3 years

in one medium only (i.e. through the medium in which they have appeared for 1st year


b) Change of Faculty :

Candidates admitted to degree course in a faculty can be permitted to change to another

Faculty (Where practicals are not involved) on or before 31.08.2006 provided they have already

registered their applications for admission in that faculty which they desire to change. No change

shall be permitted after this date.

c) Change of Optional Subjects:

Candidates can be permitted to change the optional subjects (where practicals are not involved) on

or before 31.08.2006. No change shall be permitted after this date.

d) Second Language by private study:

The Principals of various degree colleges are required to notify in the beginning of the

academic year with regard to the second language(s) that are offered at the Colleges. The students

seeking admission to 1st year of the Degree Courses be instructed to opt the Second Language

available in the College. However, those who are not conversant with the second language

offered at the College will have to take the permission of the University for exemption from putting

in attendance and to appear at the University Examination privately in that second language by

applying to the University in the prescribed Application Form. The Principals concerned are

requested to forward the applications of such candidates with a consolidated list along with

prescribed fees of Rs.1000/- each payable through Demand Draft in favour of the Registrar,

Osmania University ,on or before the end of 1st term of 1st year i.e., 30-9-2006. Requests of

candidates who apply after the above date will not be entertained.

e) In case the number of students opting for a particular second language in a

college is (10) or more, the College should make necessary teaching arrangements in

that second language and the colleges should seek affiliation in the subject concerned.

No relaxation would be given in regard to the number exceeding (9) and the Principals

will have to take the responsibility for the consequences arising out of admissions made

beyond ceiling prescribed by University, as such, candidates will not be allowed to take

the University Examinations.


14. Admission of foreign students into Ist year of the 3-year Degree course shall be finalized by the

Director, University Foreign Relations Office, Osmania University and allotted to colleges. No

College shall admit any foreign student directly without being allotted by the Director,

UFRO. Any deviation in the prescribed procedure will be viewed seriously and necessary

action would be taken against the erring colleges.


15. Every candidate is required to put in a minimum 75% attendance in order to appear for the

University Examinations. Shortage of attendance to the extent of 10% will be condoned by the

University on Medical grounds and on payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.500/- per

year/Rs.250/- per Semester. If any candidate does not put in the required attendance he/she

will not be permitted to appear for the Examination.


16. Candidates who have completed a particular Degree course in a Faculty from the University,

shall not be allowed to seek regular admission, in view of the fact that the students seeking

fresh admission, for the first time will be deprived of the opportunity and that there is a provision

for appearing at the B.A./B.Com degree Examination through the Centre for Distance

Education, Osmania University.


Candidates who have joined Degree Courses (3years duration) are required to complete the

course within double the duration of the period i.e., six years from the date of admission.

18. Candidates who would be seeking admission to Ist year Degree course are required to under go

instruction in Environmental Studies subject in their second year of study and pass the

examination without which they will not be eligible for award of Degree. As a result, the present

Science & Civilization paper would be shifted to III year.


The final list of admitted candidates into Ist year of 3 year Degree course (one hard copy and

two soft copies on CD) should be sent to the Director, Academic Audit Cell Osmania University,

one hard copy each to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), Osmania University, and the Controller

of Examinations, OU., on or before 11.09.2006 (Monday) and a Certificate to the effect that all

the admissions have been made in accordance with the rules and that no admissions are made

contrary to the rules. The admitted lists will also be accepted upto 26.9.2006 with a penalty

@ Rs.1,000/- per day.


All irregular admissions made by the Principals are liable to be cancelled by the University,

whenever detected, without giving any notice. The Principals shall be held responsible for the

consequences arising out of cancellation of such irregular admissions.

Guidelines for regulating the Admission on Transfer








4. Transfers are permitted only into II/III year of Degree Course (with due consent of

Principals concerned and subject to availability of seats) within the prior approval of the

University from one District to another District OR from District to City or vice-versa under

the jurisdiction of OU.

5. Admission on transfer shall not be made by the Principals directly without the prior

approval of the University.

6. Candidates are required to pay of Rs.1000/- (One thousand only) towards transfer fees

payable through D.D., drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’ from Nationalized

Banks only.

7. Transfer Applications shall not be entertained without the following :

i) Consent of the Principals concerned

ii) Xerox copies of the Memorandum of Marks of I / II year Degree course.

iii) Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’.

8. Transfer Applications received after the last date prescribed shall NOT be entertained.







2. Transfers into 2nd / 3rd year of B.A./B.Sc./B. Com. courses from other Universities will be

considered, subject to the following conditions;.

a. The Degree course which the candidate is pursuing at the parent University should

have been recognized by the Osmania University.

b. At least two third ( 2/3rd ) of syllabus of the 1st /2nd year subjects studied by the

candidate at the parent University should be equivalent with the syllabus of the

Osmania University candidates should have completely passed the 1st / 2nd year

examination at the parent University OR they should be eligible for promotion to 2nd /

3rd year degree courses as per rules and regulations of Osmania University.

c. Candidates shall be admitted on transfer at Osmania University to the same

course/combination which they have studied in 1st/ 2nd year degree course at the

parent University. Change of Group/Combination/Optional is not permissible.

d. Candidates may be granted exemption from appearing and passing in such of those

papers which are found equivalent and which they have passed at the parent

University securing 36% pass marks prescribed by the Osmania University. These

papers will not be counted as backlog papers for purpose of promotion to next higher


e. Candidates are required to appear and pass the papers of 1st/2nd year (both Theory

and/or Practicals as the case may be) by securing a minimum of 36% of pass marks as

per OU requirement. Those candidates who have secured less than 36% marks but

declared passed as per the parent University rules, are required to appear in those

papers from OU and secure a minimum of 36% marks for considering them as pass as

per OU rules for award of degree by Osmania University. Eventhough candidates are

promoted to next higher class at the parent University as per their rules, they will be

considered for admission into 2nd/3rd year only if they fulfill the OU rules for promotions

i.e., passing in 50% of the papers prescribed in that year (including practicals wherever

applicable), which they have not studied OR not passed OR secured not less than 36%

pass percentage prescribed at Osmania University OR which are not found equivalent


f. In case where the 1st /2nd year examination passed by the candidate is a house

examination conducted by the College and not by the University, no exemption would

be granted and the candidates are required to appear and pass all the papers of 1st/2nd

year papers from Osmania University at the next immediate examination, without fail.

In such cases, these papers will not be treated as backlog papers for purpose of


g. Candidates are required to submit a Certified copy of the detailed syllabus of the

course pursued by them at the parent University in order to establish equivalence of

the subjects for considering exemption.

h. Once the candidates are granted admission on transfer into Osmania University they

will be treated as students of this University. They have to appear and pass in (a)

papers in which they failed or (b) where the syllabus is not equivalent, from Osmania

University only and not from the parent University. Any examination appeared/passed

from the parent University after the transfer will not considered as valid. No

consolidated memo will be issued to candidates transferred from other


i. No Principal shall admit candidates directly on transfer without the prior

approval of the University.

j. In some cases, the University may admit candidates on transfer provisionally, subject

to production of Memo of Marks/Syllabus. In such cases, the candidates are required

to submit the same within one month to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), O.U., only

and obtain confirmation orders.

k. In case where the candidates have not studied/appeared the compulsory subjects

Part-I viz., General English, Second Language and Indian Heritage & Culture/ Science

and Civilization and Environmental Studies in I/II year at the parent University, they are

required to appear and pass the same at the immediate next examinations from

Osmania University.

l. Applications for admission on transfer shall not be considered unless they are

accompanied with the following:

(i) Xerox copies of Memorandum of marks of I/II year degree course of the

Parent University.

(ii) Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- (for the students seeking admission on

transfer from Universities with in the State) and Rs.3000/- (for the

students seeking admission on transfer from Universities out side the

State) drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY’ (from

Nationalized banks only).

(iii) Certified copies of the Syllabus of 1st/IInd Degree course year studied at

Parent University.




Candidates seeking admission are required to submit the prescribed application from which

can be had from the Director, University Press & Publications, Osmania University Campus, OU.,

on payment of Rs.20/- (Rs. Twenty only)(Form ‘A’ transfer of students from one college to another

within the University and Form ’B’ transfer of students from other Universities (within and outside the

state) to Osmania University.

The Principals are required to give their consent for admission on transfer of the Student in the

column provided in the application form, which is a pre-requisite to consider their applications for issue

of Orders by the University. Such transfers should not in any way exceed the approved strength of that

particular course/combination permitted by the University.

Principals are requested to ensure that the admission on transfer is in order and as per the

rules and the course and combination passed by the candidates in Parent College/University is

available in their college. and then only they should give their consent on the application forms with

their signatures and College stamps duly showing the district in which the college is situated and also

with a mention of the ceiling (i.e. approved strength), Combination and the number of Students after

admission of that particular transfer. (Please ensure that a mention is made in the stamp about the

District i.e. R.R.District/Hyderabad/District Town etc., as the case may be).

Candidates who desirous to apply for admission on transfer into II / III degree courses shall

follow the schedule shown below:-

a) Last date for submission of application forms -- 01-8-2006

b) Last date with penalty of Rs. 500/- -- 17-8-2006

c) Last date with penalty of Rs.1000/- -- 31-8-2006

In all cases of transfers, the attendance put in by the students in the parent college/University

till the issue of transfer certificate shall be clubbed with the attendance put in new college for calculating

the total attendance during the academic year in order to appear for Annual examination. Hence, the

students seeking transfer are required to submit Attendance Certificate alongwith the Transfer

Certificate at the time of joining new college.


No student be admitted on transfer by the Colleges directly without obtaining prior

approval/orders of the University under any circumstances and the College shall be held

responsible for violation. Any student admitted so, will not be permitted for the University


Applications without the Consent of the Principals/without full details will not be

entertained/ Considered by the University.





Osmania University is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in India

epitomizing the national agenda for higher education. “A pioneering and

performing university accredited by NAAC with the highest rating of five

stars in the service of the Nation, making higher education accessible,

affordable and meaningful to lakhs of students from a backward region”.

This aptly sums up the spirit and essence of Osmania University – the symbol of life

long learning.


Established in 1918, Osmania University is the 7th oldest university in the country, 3rd

oldest in south India and the oldest in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Named after its

founder Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the 7th Nizam of the then princely state of

Hyderabad, Osmania University is the first university in the country to impart

instruction through the medium of an Indian language i.e., Urdu with English as a

compulsory subject. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore lauded this revolutionary

experiment of a regional language as the medium of higher education.

The birth of Osmania University with the lofty ideals of synthesizing the ancient and

modern, the orient and occidental and development of national ethos in the

academic pursuits of a high order symbolized a renaissance in the Indian higher

education system.


Osmania University forms an integral part of the history, cosmopolitan culture,

architectural richness and legacy of the 400-year-old city of Hyderabad, which is fast

emerging as the knowledge capital of India. It is located on sprawling campus on

the East of Hyderabad.


With such a milieu and conducive academic ambience as the backdrop, the growth of

Osmania University has been carefully nurtured in teaching research and extension

to serve the socio-economically backward region of Telangana, its catchment area

and the country at large. The development of Osmania University during the last

eight decades witnessed the establishment of a large number of teaching

departments and the structuring of academic programmes, besides setting up of a

host of specialized centres such as the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental

Studies (RCUES), the Centre for Indian Ocean Studies (CIOS), the Research and

Training Centre for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), the Audio Visual Research

Centre (AVRC), the University Computer Centre (UCC), the Academic Staff College

(ASC), the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) for promotion of interinstitutional

collaboration and to offer consultancy and customized service. Growth is

also reflected in the decentralization of higher education through opening of off

campus PG centres in rural areas and extending access to education through

distance education to meet the increasing demands for higher education. The

academic diversity, physical spread and infra-structural strength add to the

University’s comprehensiveness and complexity at the turn of the new century.

Over the years, Osmania University has crossed several mile stones, made

significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and kept pace with

changing times and needs of new generations. It has transitioned from a

traditional university and traversing to become a pacesetter in the field of higher

education with an international outlook and global out reach. Osmania University

truly exemplifies continuity, change, tradition and modernity in higher learning.


Osmania University envisions to be the premier institution that offers teaching and

learning programmes of the best quality and graduate students who excel and

become leaders in their chosen walk of life contributing to the community, nation

and the world.”


The mission of the University is to achieve excellence in teaching and research, to

preserve and generate knowledge, to develop and enhance human resources, to

improve the quality of life and contribute to regional and national development in

harmony with culture, heritage and environment.


Osmania University is a multi-faculty, multi-campus, comprehensive, semiresidential

and the largest affiliating university with nearly 1000 affiliated colleges

under it.

There are 11 faculties and 52 academic departments. The University caters to the

educational needs of nearly 3 lakhs students by offering 30 courses at the UG level

(with158 combinations) and more than 100 courses at the PG level. M. Phil and

Doctoral programmes are offered in almost all the subjects. The University has

strength of 763 teaching and 2595 non-teaching staff.

The university functions through a network of 8 campus colleges, 5 constituent

colleges, 8 district PG Colleges and a vast network of affiliated colleges spread over 6

districts of Telangana (including twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad)

covering a geographical area of 60000 sq. kms with a population of over 20 millions.


The Research pursuits at the University are wide ranging, inter-disciplinary and of a

high order. The University Departments and Research centers have been performing

exceedingly well in this arena. During the past 5 years about 1112 Ph.D's and 250

M.Phil degrees have been awarded. About 190 Research Projects have been

completed in various departments and nearly 270 projects are under completion. The

faculty of the university is constantly engaged in research and publication, having

published 1735 articles and 191 books during the last five years.


Osmania University rightly envisages the Industry-Institute interaction and

international cooperation as the vehicles for promotion of excellence. Several

developmental activities have been undertaken to promote collaboration with

National and International organizations. 18 Research and Training centres have

been established with targeted aims and linkages with the industry. A Research

Development and Consultancy cell to facilitate consultancy and other activities

has also been established. In order to transform the students from job seekers to job

providers an Entrepreneurship Development Cell has also been established.

Placement cells have been activated at the college of engineering, technology,

science, and commerce & management. There is positive and encouraging response

from industry and corporate houses.

The University is pioneering the introduction of innovative programmes of study and

undertaking of socially relevant research by partnering the industry in this

endeavour. As part of this initiative, it has established a University – Industry Hub

with the objective to generate skilled human resources who can be quick starters

and to devise courses in consultation with the industry for promoting rapid economic

industrial growth of the country.


Alumni of Osmania University have distinguished themselves at the national and

international levels. They have spread far and wide globally and done their Alma

Mater proud by excelling themselves as academicians, administrators, scientists,

scholars, entrepreneurs and technocrats. Several of them have reached heights of

excellence in their respective fields and are significantly contributing to the socioeconomic

development of the nation and world at large.

Osmania University has always considered its alumni as a source of strength, support

and sustenance in its endeavors of scholarship, innovation and institution building in

higher education. The Alumni Association of Osmania University has been formed in

order to fulfill the long felt need for a forum and the cherished desires of its alumni.

It has been duly registered as a society. Alumni Associations are actively functioning

in USA and Saudi Arabia.


Osmania University envisages for itself a proactive role in re-engineering the higher

education system for the establishment a knowledge-based society. The University

has embarked upon far reaching initiatives to promote scholarship and innovation in

higher education and to modernize the University governance. These include the

introduction of Semester System, launching of new courses, establishment of new

centers of excellence, carving out of new faculties, conferment of autonomy on

campus and constituent colleges, restructuring of curriculum and courses,

strengthening of distance education, establishment of new institutional frame work

such as the Directorate of Admissions, Directorate of Academic Audit Cell, the

University Foreign Relations Office and the Council of Affiliated Colleges, networking

with overseas alumni for institution-building and international cooperation,

participation in the Association of Commonwealth Universities network, streamlining

of hostel management, modernization of University administration and examination


Healthy practices are in place in the University. These include academic schedule as

per almanac and introduction of semester system in UG and PG Courses in the

Campus and Constituent Colleges and increase of opportunities for students to

acquire IT and communication skills and web based learning. An Internal Quality

Assurance Cell has been established to monitor and sustain the quality of education

offered. A Central Facilities Building with an outlay of Rs. 4.5 crores will come up

soon. The Osmania University library also has been renovated and as part of its

modernization the digitization of manuscripts and books has been taken up. The

University has entered into an MoU with Carnegie Mellon University, USA for

digitization of books and Juma-Al-Majid Centre for Heritage and Culture, Dubai for

digitization of manuscripts. The Vision of Osmania, which depicts the glimpses of

the yester years of the university, located in the Library, has been given a facelift.

The University is conscious of need for constant innovations in curricular

restructuring and introduction of new programs of study to suit the requirements of

knowledge-based society. During the last year several courses have been redesigned

and new courses introduced which include M. Sc. (Geo-Informatics), M. Sc. (Forensic

Science) and B. Tech (Bio-Technology) and M.Phil(Policy studies) The University has

also introduced BA and M. A. in Psychology and M. Sc. in Statistics through distance



Osmania University has carved out a niche for its eminence through excellence in

higher education. The University has the distinction of being the first university in

the Andhra Pradesh to be accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation

Council (NAAC) with highest rating of 5 stars. The University College for Women is

the first institution in Andhra Pradesh to have won NAAC accreditation with A*****

in 1999. It has also secured re-accreditation in 2004. The Departments of

Electronics & communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering of

the University College of Engineering have been awarded ISO 9001 Certification by

the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India in 2001. Nizam College

and University College for Women have been recognized by UGC as Colleges with

Potential for Excellence.

An e-Learning resources center (LRC) and e-Class room with modern audio/video

and Multi media facilities have been established. Latest books and journals worth Rs.

90 lakhs have been added at the college library. Indo-US collaboration network

programme is made available to the students through EDUSAT.

The Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC) of Osmania University is the

first in Andhra Pradesh to produce web-based multimedia e-learning programs. The

UGC-Academic Staff College, Osmania University has been ranked third in the

country by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.


Today, at the beginning of the new millennium Osmania University is in the vanguard

and more than poised to meet the opportunities and challenges of near and distant

future. It stands out as the living symbol of enlightenment, emancipation and


Driven by the vision and determination and endowed with vast internal resources of

brain power, academic diversity, infra-structural strength and inherent institutional

capability coupled with remarkable resilience, Osmania University is all set to assume

a central position to shape the destiny of the national educational system and scale

new heights of excellence in the years to come.


Research Development and Consultancy Cell

The University established a “Research Development and Consultancy Cell” to

channel faculty resources to undertake sponsored research and consultancy, and

patenting activities for the University. It is envisaged as a single window agency to make

available the University talent to Industry and R&D Organization, and to generate

funding in the process.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Academic Staff College

Activities carried out

The Academic Staff College conducted thirteen Refresher Courses in the Sciences

and the Social Sciences, three Orientation Courses and a one week Workshop for

Principals of University and Degree Colleges, and one Orientation Course in Value

Education. The Orientation Course for Academic Administrators and workshop for

Principals discussed various dimensions relating to higher education and the reforms


Artificial Intelligence Centre

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims at developing computer capabilities towards

intelligent behavior to achieve human-level performance in all cognitive tasks. It

provides mathematical strength to capture and emulate the uncertainties associated with

certain perceptual and linguistic attributes of the human cognitive process. Its

objectives are to understand the computational principles underlying intelligence in man

and machines and to develop methods for building computer-based systems to solve

problems, to communicate with people, and to perceive and interact with the physical


􀂙 Serve as a nucleus for interaction and dissemination of information in the field of

Artificial Intelligence, i.e., to provide an interface between different disciplines,

􀂙 Use and direct their sensory and communicative mechanisms to gather

information about their environments and each other,

􀂙 Represent and reason about the world they inhabit,

􀂙 Coordinate their actions to cooperatively achieve goals and allocate their

resources effectively,

􀂙 Understand instructions or other communication from humans,

􀂙 Improve their performance by learning from experience, and

􀂙 To open a new paradigm for realisation of human-like information processing


Centre for Biotechnology

The Centre was established in the year 1996 by Osmania University, Hyderabad,

at the University College of Technology. This Centre has a unique Biotechnology Lab

equipped with the latest equipment and instruments for doing research and development

in the field of biotechnology. During the last few years research has been done in the

production of lactic acid, Itaconic acid, and Vanillin by fermentation. Research is also

being carried out in the development of biodegradable polymers using lactic acid,

industrial enzymes and probiotics.

The Centre

􀂙 Conducts research on projects of national and international importance

􀂙 Develops design equations and equipment for industrial applications

􀂙 Provides analytical and experimental (bench and pilot scale) facilities to all

departments of Osmania University, institutions and industries.

􀂙 Installs computer facilities with access to Network (WWW) to facilitate reference

of current work and trends in biotechnology

􀂙 Undertakes sponsored projects

􀂙 Offers short term courses to faculty and personnel from industries/ institutions to

create awareness in bioprocessing / bioprocesses

􀂙 Develops manpower by conducting training programmes

􀂙 Creates national storage facilities for organisms

􀂙 Develops and transfers technologies for improvement of rural areas.

􀂙 Develops eco-friendly technologies for biodegradation of solid & liquid wastes

􀂙 Liaisons industry-university interaction, and transfer of technologies.

Centre for Energy Technology

The Centre for Energy Technology located at the University College of Engineering

Campus, Osmania University was established during November 1997 with the objective

of promoting ‘new and renewable’ sources of energy.


􀂙 Demonstrate and promote renewable energy technologies.

􀂙 Render expertise and consultancy.

􀂙 Establish linkages with R&D and industrial organisations through collaborative


􀂙 Work in close collaboration with organisations such as MNES, IREDA, MOP, MOC,

NEDCAP,, etc. for attaining national objectives.

􀂙 Organise educational/training programmes

􀂙 Introduce renewable energy technologies to students

􀂙 Develop energy conservation technologies and environmentally benign clean coal


􀂙 Develop advanced energy efficient systems.

Centre for Indian Ocean Studies

The Centre for Indian Ocean Studies was established in 1983 as UGC’s Area

Study Centre dealing with urban development and regional planning in the Indian Ocean

region. The areas of research were diversified to geo-politics, urban development,

regional planning and trade and resource problems of the countries of the Indian Ocean

region. The Centre has a faculty drawn from the four social science disciplines viz.,

Economics, Geography, Political Science and Sociology.


The objectives of the Centre are to undertake studies of the Indian Ocean Region

countries from an inter-disciplinary social science angle, make recommendations to

serve as policy inputs to the Government of India’s External Affairs Ministry, to conduct

conferences and seminars on topics relevant to the region, and bring out Reports and

Books. The Centre brings out a bi-annual publication, Indian Ocean Digest.

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology

The CPMB was established in 1991 with financial assistance from the Dept. of

Biotechnology, Govt. of India.


􀂙 To conduct research in plant molecular biology and biotechnology.

􀂙 To develop human resource in the area of molecular biology and biotechnology.

Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management

The management of solid waste for the twin city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad

(50 lakh population) generating over 2500 tonnes of municipal solid waste every day is a

gigantic task. While local government/ municipal bodies can handle essentially the

collection and disposal of MSW, there are several other complementary aspects of solid

waste management, where other agencies can play a pivotal role. Important aspects

such as creating awareness amongst the public for better solid waste management,

motivating public at large to clean up local environment, training personnel as waste

management professionals, design and construction of transfer stations and landfills,

transfer of new technologies from developed countries, and research & developmental

activities are very vital and form an integral part of solid waste management

programmes. Since these aspects cannot be handled by the local government/ municipal

bodies, institutional support is absolutely necessary to implement the solid waste

management programmes effectively. It is with this perspective that Osmania University

felt the need to launch a “Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management”

(CSWTM) and serve the community at large, with its sole mission of creating a clean

environment to improve public health. Accordingly, the Centre (CSWTM) was established

in July 2000 with the objective of creating a clean environment by undertaking the

various activities stated above.


􀂙 To create awareness amongst the public about the need for better solid waste


􀂙 To provide public education about reduction in Solid Waste.

􀂙 To disseminate the know-how about simple methods of disposing Solid Waste.

􀂙 To motivate the public at large to clean up the local environment.

􀂙 To develop training modules about latest technologies and impart training to Solid

Waste Management personnel.

􀂙 To provide consultancy services on design and constructions of transfer stations

and landfill sites.

􀂙 To provide advisory services on identification of probable landfill sites

􀂙 To provide consultation, on operation, closure and post closure of the landfills.

􀂙 To facilitate and disseminate transfer of latest technology from developed


􀂙 To encourage and carryout additional research and developmental activities.

􀂙 To work in liaison with Public and Private organisations on various aspects of Solid

Waste Technology and Management, and thus achieve the principal goal of clean

environment and improved public health.

Centre for Study in Bio-Terrorism and Public Health Policy

􀂙 The Centre aims to serve as a nodal agency between scientists from various

disciplines belonging to life sciences, medical sciences, social sciences,

management, defense personnel, public health policy makers, media, and

community for wider discussion, awareness, preparedness, response and health

care plans to counter the threats of chemical and bio terrorism.

􀂙 It will provide critical support to the homeland defence initiatives of the

Government to enable government officials to formulate policy, acquire key

systems and manage resources in security and public health management.

􀂙 It will prepare instruction specific response plans to different agencies of

government for effective coordination and concerted action.

􀂙 It will establish databases for the efficacy of various chemical and biological

weapons and their neutralization procedures, and initiate collaboration with

research organisations, Universities/ Academic institutions.

􀂙 It will design disaster management manuals for the use of various government

and non-government organisations to meet the threat of bio-terrorism effectives.

Centre for Quantitative Methods

􀂙 To encourage and inculcate quantitative approach to research in various fields of

study. To provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussions in (quantitative)

model building and data analysis among the faculty and (research) students of

the University including affiliated colleges and centres connected with the


􀂙 To achieve these academic objectives, the Centre will :

􀂙 Facilitate scientific computation and non-commercial data processing and

quantitative data analysis and modeling, by way of providing (a) computational

facility (PC’s and scientific software) for research connected with the University

and (b) advise and give computational/programme assistance to the researchers.

􀂙 Acquire books having a bearing on Quantitative Modeling and Data Analysis as

also some expository books in related areas, for reference to the scholars.

􀂙 Organize courses for hands-on-training in data analysis.

Centre for Women’s Studies

The Centre for Women’s Studies was established in 1997 to promote an

interdisciplinary academic field, which focuses on the analysis of human culture in the

light of women’s experience. It examines the status of women and their contribution to

cultural traditions in society. The Centre encourages discourse on women’s

empowerment, issues related to woman’s health and economic independence, education

and political participation by creating a platform for both social activists and

academicians to share the common concerns of women. It tries to promote Women’s

Studies through teaching, research, counselling and social activism.


􀂙 To develop interdisciplinary research on studies concerning women, gender issues

and human relations.

􀂙 To organize local, national and international seminars, conferences, colloquia and

workshops on women and gender studies.

􀂙 To publish research findings on women’s studies and gender issues.

􀂙 To develop networking among various individuals, institutions and organisations

working at micro and macro levels for the cause of women’s upliftment and


􀂙 To evaluate, identify, recognize and publicize the contribution of women at

various levels like family, neighbourhood, education, health, technology, media,

literature, environment protection, culture, religion, industry, commerce, politics,

administration, and problem solving issues.

Educational Multimedia Research Centre

􀂙 EMMRC, Osmania University, was established by the UGC in 1983 to produce

educational video films for telecast on Doordarshan. The Centre has so far

produced more than 537 educational programmes. The educational programmes

are telecast twice daily under the caption “Country Wide Classroom” (CWCR) of

DDI & Higher Education Channel. The primary aim of EMMRC is to take quality

education to the rural areas. Most of the programmes focus on the academic

needs of the UG and PG students. The Centre is closely associated with many

institutions like IICT, CCMB, NIN, etc. in its pursuit of excellence.

􀂙 As per the UGC-CEC latest guidelines, the Centre is making programmes on the

lines of the syllabus based subjects of Sociology, Hotel Management, History,

Crime & Society and other enrichment based programmes for the benefit of

undergraduate students.

Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases

The Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases established in 1978 is

a premier research Institute under Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. It

provides genetic services, conducts multi-disciplinary research and provides training in

medical genetics.


􀂙 Maintenance of genetic registry

􀂙 Pre-natal and post-natal diagnosis of genetic diseases

􀂙 Carrier detection and management

􀂙 Research into pathogenesis and development of new diagnostic tools

􀂙 Monitoring of populations for environmental and occupational hazards

􀂙 Prospective (premarital and preconceptional) and retrospective genetic


Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics

The Department of Electronics (DoE), Government of India, realising the

importance of navigational electronics and the specific needs of the Dept. of Civil

Aviation and the Indian Air Force, decided to create a national centre for expertise in this

area. Proposals were invited, and the one submitted by the Department of Electronics

and Communication Engineering, Osmania University, was selected. Thus the R and T

Unit for Navigational Electronics came into being on 1st April, 1982 as a sponsored

project of the DoE. It continued to enjoy this status until September 1992 when, in

recognition of the excellent services rendered by it to user organisations, the

Government of Andhra Pradesh made it a permanent establishment of Osmania

University by funding its recurring expenditure.


􀂙 To conduct research in the frontier areas of navigational electronics covering the

current state-of-the art technologies.

􀂙 To identify research topics based on sponsoring agencies’ requirement, and for

research work at the national and international level for B.E., M.E., and Ph.D.


􀂙 To execute sponsored and consultancy projects.

􀂙 To conduct short-term courses, workshops and symposia in the broad area of

navigational Electronics that will aid manpower development in this area.

Research Development & Consultancy Cell

Research Development & Consultancy Cell was first established in 1996 as an

individual unit in each College. A Committee was established in 2003 to revise the

guidelines of Research Development & Consultancy Cell. The Executive Council in 2004,

approved the revised guidelines framed by the Committee. A centralised Research

Development & Consultancy Cell and its Advisory Committee was created in March 2004.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology

The Ross Memorial Society, Hyderabad (A. P.), took over the possession of Ross

Memorial Building from the Airport Authority of India, Hyderabad Airport, Begumpet,

Hyderabad - 500 016 in the year 1979. In realization of its earnest objectives of

continuing and promoting Ross’s legacy of researches in malaria and other parasitic

diseases prevalent in this part of the Tropics, the Ross Memorial Society established a

Research Institute of Parasitology, christened in the name of Major Dr. Sir Ronald Ross.

Sir Ronald Ross made an epoch-making discovery in the very same building in 1897. He

announced that malaria is transmitted from a malariated person to a healthy person

through the bite of a vector, the female Anopheles (mosquito). For this great discovery,

he received the prestigious Nobel Prize of 1902 in Physiology and Medicine. The Ross

Memorial Society also established a modest Ross Memorial Museum with the portraits,

illustrative of the biography of the great benefactor of mankind, the late Sir Ronald Ross

and his discovery of malaria transmission. The Ross Memorial Society, handed over the

Ross Memorial Building including the Sir Ronald Institute of Parasitology and Ross

Memorial Museum to Osmania University in 1993 and the same is now under its full

administrative control. The entire building was renovated to its original form in the year

1997 during the centenary celebrations of Ross’s discovery of malaria transmission.

Training and Orientation Centre

The National Service Scheme is a noble experiment in academic expansion. It

inculcates the spirit of Voluntary Work among the students and teachers through

sustained community interactions. It brings academic institutions closer to society. It

shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve results, which are desirable for

community development. Over the years, the NSS has emerged as India’s largest

student youth movement involving linkages with the community.

In India, the idea of involving students in the task of national service dates back

to the time of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The central theme which he

tried to impress upon his student audience time and again was that they should always

keep before them their social responsibilities. Advising them to form a linking contact

with the community in whose midst their institution was located he suggested that

instead of undertaking academic research about economic and social disability the

students should do “something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to

a higher material and moral level”.

As per the guidelines of the Government of India, each Training and Orientation

Centre has to conduct 5 (Five) Orientation Training Programmes of 10 (Ten) days for

Untrained Programme Officers, and 3 (Three) Refresher Training Programmes of 5 (Five)

days for already trained officer through Orientation Training Programmes. These training

programmes impart effective skills to all NSS-programme officers of the different

Universities of Andhra Pradesh, for the successful implementation of NSS programmes.

Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies

The Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies, Osmania University

[RCUES-OU] constitutes a unique paradigm for institutional collaboration and

cooperation for Capacity Building, Organisational Re-engineering and Institutional

Strengthening in the areas of Urban Development and Management, Poverty Reduction

and Development. It was established in the year 1970 by the Ministry of Urban Affairs

and Employment, Government of India. The RCUES-OU is a strategic intervention on the

part of the Govt. of India and it addresses the Research and Training needs of the

constituent states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu and the Union

Territory of Pondicherry in the following areas of Administration and Management of the

Urban Sector viz., Municipal Administration & Management, Poverty Alleviation, Urban

Community Development and Monitoring the Quality of Life; Town and Country Planning;

Public Health Engineering and Projects; Public Housing, Strategies for Identification of

Appropriate Technology & Cost Reduction; Sustainable Development and Management of

Urban Infrastructure and Services; Financial Management and Entrepreneurship

Development and Cooperative Banking.


􀂙 To generate and disseminate information pertinent to policy planning, strategy

formulation, action planning, program implementation and management;

􀂙 To undertake applied research, identify and formulate action plans to resolve

problems relating to urban development, administration and management;

􀂙 To define and organise access to responsive knowledge or skill transfer to the

personnel – Elected as well as the cadres of Civil Service – involved in the

management of the urban sector;

􀂙 To conceptualise and organize seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, etc.,

on the wide band of issues, problems and practices pertaining to the

management and administration of urban development and management; and

􀂙 To facilitate synergetic interaction between academics and professionals through

project based re-training facilities and extension education programs.

Centre for Educational Development of Minorities

The basic problem of minorities is educational and economic backwardness. In

order to overcome this problem the government of Andhra Pradesh formulated a few

schemes for the socio-economic and educational development of the minorities based on

a socio-economic survey conducted by Osmania University.

The Minorities Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh identified

Osmania University as the nodal agency to implement projects for the development of

the minorities in the state. Osmania University established the Centre for Educational

Development of Minorities at Nizam College in 1994.


The Centre has been implementing the following two major projects sponsored by

the State Government since 1994.

􀂙 An integrated project on improving the classroom performance of school children

belonging to minorities.

􀂙 A comprehensive project on improving the participation and performance of

minority candidates in competitive examinations.

Competitive Examination Coaching Centre

To organise appropriate coaching classes to prepare candidates belonging to

socially and educationally backward and minority groups for competing in various

Competitive Examinations for recruitment to services under the Central & State

Governments and Nationalized Banks.

To provide guidance in choosing a career.

To provide coaching facilities for EAMCET and other Entrance Examinations.

Mission of the Centre

Educational development of weaker sections amongst educationally backward

minority communities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Employment Information & Guidance Bureau

The Bureau was established in 1962 as a joint venture with the Department of

Employment and Training, Govt. of A.P. University employment information and

guidance bureau is a wing of the Department of Employment and Training, Government

of Andhra Pradesh. Its activities include registration of unemployed graduates,

vocational, professional and career guidance and counseling. It displays on its notice

board the vacancies notified by different employers. It also arranges lectures on various

facets of career planning and job opportunities.


Objectives of the Bureau are providing Career Information, Guidance, Counseling,

and registering the professional and executive standard applicants to show suitable

employment opportunities as per the requirement of the employers.

English Language Training Centre

The English Language Training Centre is a UGC sponsored University Centre. It

was established in 1988 to improve the English Language Teaching / Learning, and

enhance the standards of English. Since then the Centre has been offering new courses

in association with foreign experts. These courses have been very effective in helping

campus students and others in acquiring proficiency in English which has become very

essential in India for career and mobility.

With a decade and a half of experience in English Language Teaching and

Training, the Centre has designed many new programmes. The courses are designed

with the help of the Academic Advisory Committee, after long deliberations, considering

the changing needs of English. Study Materials are prepared for every course by highly

qualified and experienced teachers. The courses offered are of high quality besides being

accessible to students, teaches, employees and professionals.


􀂙 To run need based English Courses;

􀂙 To provide Remedial Courses;

􀂙 To help the College and University students in English language expertise;

􀂙 To offer Courses to professionals (lawyers, engineers, doctors, paramedical staff

and software users etc.);

􀂙 To organise training programmes for school and college teachers;

􀂙 To offer advice and assistance to individual colleges in terms of their language

needs; and

􀂙 To undertake research activities.

Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Cell

This Cell has been constituted to monitor the effective implementation of

reservations to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category students with regard to


Admission into various university study programmes

Appointment to teaching and other jobs

Accommodation into hostels

Social welfare scholarships

The Cell also sends regular reports to the Commission of Enquiry, organizes

lectures on socio-economic awareness aspects, conducts teacher training programmes

and attends to the grievances of SC and ST teachers and students.

University Health Centre

The Health Centre offers free medical treatment to students, staff and their families.

There are specialists attached to the Centre who offer expert medical advice. The Health

Centre situated in the University’s main campus, is located near the B-Hostel building. It

is open from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.

The Chief Medical Officer, assisted by a team of competent doctors, heads it. Staff and

students receive only out-patient treatment at this Centre. Besides this, each of the

Constituent Colleges has its own Health Centre located within its premises.

National Service Scheme

The main aim of this scheme is Service through education and personality

development through service, it is planned for educated youth and programmed around

youth and it tops the potentials of Youth and for National construction and national

regeneration. Above all understanding a human beings their needs, feelings, and work

for their betterment. The NSS Develops the Social ethics involves, several human values

like sincerity, honesty, discipline, loyalty, freedom, dignity of labour, individuality,

understanding other Cooperation, motivation, equality, integrity, brotherhood, character

building and thinking for others are the prime request of NSS Volunteers and


NSS unit of Osmania University hosted the state level NSS Youth Festival,

members from all universities participated in Cultural activities, Quiz competitions,

debates organized by the unit. The NSS unit has taken up regular activities like

Orientation Lectures, Awareness Program on HIV and AIDS, Superstition, Puls Polio,

Child Labour, Health Checkup, Hygiene and Sanitation. Conducted Peace walks, Mega

Camps, Blood Donation, Eye Donation and Tree Plantation. The NSS cell with moto “Not

Me But You” and always in the forefront to inculcate Foster of National Integration and

rendered service to the community.

Osmania University International Placement Service

The Centre was established vide the EC resolution in the year 2001. The Centre

aims at dissemination of the employment information to Students (Job seekers) and

Industries (Job providers) through its web site.

Students Welfare Department

The Office of the Students’ Welfare Department is located in the Office of the

Registrar, Osmania University and is headed by the Dean, Students Affairs. Its basic

mandate is to look into the grievances, if any, of the students and help in redressing

them. It also plays a pivotal role in organizing cultural and recreational activities of

students. Youth Welfare Officers assist him. He can be contacted at any time by the

students for help on academic, personal, health and financial matters.

University Foreign Relations Office

Osmania University is now emerging as a frontline International University. The

University now is a host to students from several foreign countries. Over 400 foreign

students, from some 27 countries, are currently on rolls studying in different colleges

and university departments spread over various faculties. The countries of their origin

being Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Yemen,

Ethipia, Oman, Uganda, Nepal, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Canada, USA, Pakistan, Palestine,

Syria, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, UAE, Denmark, Europia, Trinidad (W.I) and UK. Realising the

importance of catering to the needs of foreign students the Univeristy, in December

1999, established a University Foreign Relations Office (UFRO). The UFRO assists in

fostering relations between universities both Indian and foreign and helps in exchange

programmes involving staff, scholars and students.


UFRO facilitates admission of foreign students at Osmania University and assists

in fostering relations with foreign universities and helps in exchange programmes

involving staff, scholars and students.

􀂙 Provides International students and visitors with all information pertaining to

academic and other services available in the university.

􀂙 Responds to the requests of foreign students/scholars and their families by

serving as a nodal point

􀂙 Promotes appreciation and understanding of different cultures

􀂙 Works with academic departments of the university to develop, coordinate and

promote joint academic programmes with foreign universities.

􀂙 Extends all help in finding suitable accommodation for foreign students / scholars.

􀂙 Organises orientation programmes to meet the immediate and continuing needs

of new foreign students and makes them familiar with the university set-up, and

the city of Hyderabad.

􀂙 Arranges health insurance, and bridge courses for improving their English

language skills.

􀂙 Established contacts with many Indian Consulate Offices working abroad for

attracting more number of foreign students.

􀂙 Associated itself with the UGC on Promotion of Indian Higher Education Abroad

(PIHEAD) programme

􀂙 Established a Students Hostel to attract more foreign Students to OU.

􀂙 Established good relations with ICCR, Min. of Cultural Affairs for getting more

number of sponsored candidates.

Directorate of Academic Audit Cell

The Academic Audit Cell was established in the year 1978 in order to monitor

effectively the academic and administrative functioning of the affiliated colleges under

Osmania University. It was a unique concept initiated by Osmania University not found in

any other Universities. Following the lines of Osmania University, the AP Vice-Chancellors

conference passed a resolution to establish this office in other Universities of the State.

The Academic Audit Cell performs several functions such as extension of affiliation

and grant of affiliations to Colleges and courses, conduct of inspections, nomination of

Governing Body members, Selection Committee members and approval of teachers

appointed through the duly constituted selection committee in unaided colleges. Apart

from these functions, inspections are also conducted by the Academic Audit Cell during

the academic year I) to attend to the redressal of grievances of students, staff and

managements of colleges and ii) to monitor teaching diaries, conduct of classes,

availability of teaching and non-teaching staff and the up-keep and maintenance of

Laboratories and Libraries and various records.


The main objective of the Academic Audit Cell is to ensure, strengthen and

sustain academic standards in affiliated colleges through college inspections and

verification of records.

College Development Council

The University Grants Commission has accorded a sky-scraping priority to the

development and improvement of the standards of affiliated Private [Aided (The colleges

other than the Government Colleges which receive aid out of the Andhra Pradesh State

Government Funds) and Unaided] and Government colleges [The colleges within

Osmania University area in accordance with the conditions prescribed] and Constituent

colleges (The colleges located outside Osmania University Campus and established or

maintained by Osmania University for providing courses in accordance with regulations

prescribed by statues, Ordinance or Regulations) in view of the fact that a substantial

number of the student population receive education through these institutions.

Therefore Osmania University has approved the establishment of the College

Development Council.


The College Development Council functions as a liaison between the affiliated

private [Aided and Unaided]/Govt./University constituent colleges under the jurisdiction

of Osmania University [Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Medak and

Nizamabad districts of the Telangana region] and the University Grants Commission,

New Delhi and South Eastern Regional Office (SERO) Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh

State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). It is a coordinating body between all these

institutions The College Development Council, Osmania University is guided by the Vice-

Chancellor, the Registrar, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education [APSCHE]

and Government of Andhra Pradesh. The College Development Council, Osmania

University will, inter alia,

􀂙 Assist the affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University for

inclusion under Sec. 2[f] & 12[B] of the UGC Act, 1956

􀂙 Coordinate with the University Grants Commission in conferring and for extension

of autonomous status to the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University

􀂙 Assist the University in constituting the Governing Bodies, Board of Studies and

Academic Councils of Autonomous colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Assist the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University in getting financial

assistance from the University Grants Commission under various schemes

launched from time to time

􀂙 Coordinate in the implementation of Faculty Improvement Programme [FIP] for

the teachers working on permanent basis in the

affiliated private/Government colleges [included under section 2(f) and 12(b) of

the University Grants Commission Act, 1956] under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Coordinate with the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for the

starting of new private unaided Degree Colleges, Under Graduate, Post Graduate

and Diploma courses under the jurisdiction of Osmania University.

District Post Graduate Colleges

The Office of the Director, District Post Graduate Colleges, Osmania University

was established in the year 1976 to start Post Graduate Centres in the Telangana

Districts of Andhra Pradesh. At Present, the eight O.U. P.G. Colleges in Districts under

the control of the Director, offer regular and Professional courses. The regular courses

that are offered are M.Com, M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Chemistry) and M.A. Political

Science. The Professional courses offered are : MCA and MBA. The Colleges are as

follows :

1. O.U. P.G. College, Bhiknur

2. O.U. P.G. College, Mirzapur

3. O.U. P.G. College, Nalgonda

4. O.U. P.G. College, Mahabubnagar

5. O.U. P.G. College, Medak

6. O.U. P.G. College, Siddipet

7. O.U. P.G. College, Gadwal

8. O.U. P.G. College, Vikarabad.


To monitor and administer the District Post Graduate Colleges of Osmania


PRof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education

I. Introduction

Osmania University established the Institute of Correspondence Courses in 1977.

It renamed the same as Centre for Distance Education in 1989, and again renamed it in

honour of Prof. G. Ram Reddy, former Vice Chancellor of Osmania University. It has

evolved into a premier institution in the field of Distance Education during the last twenty

six years of its existence. The Centre offers the following courses at the U.G. and P.G.

level :

Pre-degree Courses in Oriental Language (Telugu) :

B.A. Oriental Languages (Telugu)



P.G. Diplomas :

P.G. Diploma in Maths

P.G. Diploma in Business Management

P.G. Diploma in English Language Teaching

P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications

Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics

M.A. Philosophy

M.A. English

M.A. Hindi

M.A. Telugu

M.A. Urdu

M.A. Sanskrit

M.A. Economics

M.A. Pol. Science

M.A. P.P.M.

M.A. History

M.A. Sociology

M.A. Psychology


M.Sc. Mathematics


Modular Certificate Courses.

At present the student support services at the Centre for Distance Education are

essentially based on the supply of reading materials for home study to the learner,

supported and supplemented by facilities like Study Centres/Authorised Learning

Centres, and Audio-Visual aids. This was well received by the student target groups.

II. The functions of Centre for Distance Education include

􀂙 To provide a system of learner centred self-paced studies;

􀂙 To provide flexible, diversified and need based courses;

􀂙 To provide access to all, in order to realise ‘ Higher Education For All (HEFA)’; and

􀂙 To facilitate knowledge acquisition through out one’s life, and be an active

member in a knowledge oriented society.

III. The Major Initiatives

B.A. Psychology and M.A. Psychology was introduced during the year 2004–2005.

Directorate of Admissions

The Directorate of Admissions was established on 31-12-1999 to centralize the

admissions to all the post graduate and research courses offered by Osmania University

in the campus, constituent, district and affiliated P.G. Colleges. It is headed by a Director

and 3 Joint Directors, one each from the faculties of Arts & Social Sciences, Science, and

Management/Commerce. During the academic year 2004-2005, entrance tests for all

P.G. Courses and P.G. Diplomas were conducted and centralized admissions were made.


􀂙 To conduct entrance examinations for admission into P.G. and M.Phil. Courses.

􀂙 To centralize the admission process to various post graduate courses offered by

the University in various faculties and to bring uniformity in implementing rules

and regulations.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates into various

P.G. courses offered by Minority Institutions.

􀂙 To conduct counseling and admit students into MBA & MCA courses of the

University & Affiliated Colleges.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates under NRI

quota/ Management quota into M.B.A., M.C.A., B.Ed., B.E. & Pharmacy courses

offered by Minority & Non-Minority institutions.

Admission guidelines for Under Graduate Courses

Guidelines for admission to Ist year degree courses for the academic year 2006-2007 and request you

to follow the same scrupulously for the smooth conduct of admissions : -


1. a) Candidates seeking admission to Ist year B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./


B.Com.(Voc.)/B.Com(Hons) /BSW Degree courses must have passed the Two

year Intermediate Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate

Education, Andhra Pradesh or an Examination of any other University/Board

recognized as equivalent there to (other than pre-degree course in Oriental


b) Admission to Ist year B.Com.(Hons.)/BSW courses shall be through an Aptitude

Test/Entrance Test conducted by the Colleges/Department concerned. The Selection

of the candidates shall be based on the merit obtained at the Aptitude Test/Entrance


c) In respect of candidates who have passed +2 examination conducted by Boards other

than Intermediate examination of Andhra Pradesh, CBSE and ICSE, the Principals

may direct the candidates to obtain and produce Eligibility Certificate from the

University. The candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.1000/- through D.D. drawn

in favour of the “Registrar, OU” and submit the Xerox copies of Memo of

Marks/Certificates of the qualifying examination to the Dy.Registrar (Academic),OU for

issue of Eligibility Certificate. The Admission of such candidate should be finalized

only after production of

Eligibility Certificate. All such eligibility certificates shall be obtained before the last date for

filling vacancies, if any i.e. before 31.08.2006. Requests for issue of Eligibility

Certificate after 31-8-2006 will not be entertained.

d) However, those candidates who have passed ;

i) The All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the

Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and

ii) The Indian Certificate of School Examination conducted by the Council

for Indian Certificate of School Education, New Delhi -

may be admitted by the Principals, without insisting on Eligibility Certificate, subject to

the condition that they have passed in English and four other subjects, i.e., a total of

Five subjects. For admission into B.Sc. candidates should have passed concerned

subjects i.e. Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology as the case may be.

e) Candidates who have passed the following examinations are NOT ELIGIBLE for

admission to degree courses, since these are Fake Boards.

i) All India Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

ii) Board of Adult Education & Training, New Delhi (Uttar Madhyama)

iii) Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi

NOTE: In case of any doubts regarding the recognition of

examination (OR) eligibility of candidates, the Principals may

refer such cases with all relevant documents for

clarification before finalizing admission on or before


2. a) Admission to Ist year of the 3 - years Degree courses will be made in order of merit

as shown by aggregate marks secured by the candidates at the qualifying

examination in one attempt.

b) Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination in parts will also be

considered for admission but their cases will be considered only when candidates

under category(a) above are not available.

3. a) Candidates seeking admission to B.Sc. Ist year course should have passed and

secured an aggregate of 40% marks(pass percentage in case of Scheduled Caste and

Scheduled Tribes) in the concerned Science subjects (i.e. Physical Sciences and

Mathematics OR Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences, as the case may be) at the

qualifying examination. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination with

Arts/Commerce subjects are not eligible for admission to B.Sc. course.

b) Candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination with Mathematics, Economics

and Commerce subjects can be considered eligible for admission to B.Sc.(Maths,

Statistics and Computer Science) combination only.

c) Candidates who have passed qualifying examination with Science/Arts/ Commerce

subjects are eligible for admission to B.A./B.Com/B.Com (Hons.) & (Comp.)/BSW


d) Candidates seeking admission to BSW course should have secured not less than 40%

marks in aggregate.

4. While calculating the percentage of marks for admission, 0.5 and above be treated as 1(i.e.

39.5% and above shall be treated as 40%).

5. There is no minimum percentage of marks in English subject at the Intermediate

Examination for admission to degree courses in English Medium. Hence, candidates be

admitted to either English Medium, or to any other regional Media Classes available at the

College, irrespective of marks obtained by them in English subject and also irrespective of

the medium through which they have passed the qualifying examination.

6. Admission to Ist year of 3 year degree course in the Constituent Colleges of Osmania

University and Government Affiliated Colleges will be made in accordance with Andhra

Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974.

7. a) 60% of the total number of seats available in B.Com in any college shall be reserved


candidates who have studied and passed the qualifying examination with Commerce


b) 50% of seats in B.A. course are reserved for the candidates who have studied

atleast one subject under Social Sciences or Humanities at the Intermediate level.

8. Candidates who have discontinued the studies in the first year B.A./B.Sc. OR B.Com may

be permitted to seek admission in the first year of B.A./B.Sc. or B.Com. courses in the

subsequent year or years, provided they come in order of merit during the year of



There shall be reservation of seats for SCs, STs & BCs as given below:

(A) Scheduled Castes A total of 15% of seats shall be reserved for


belonging to the Scheduled Castes Category.

(B) Scheduled Tribes :: A total of 6% of seats shall be reserved for

candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes


(C) Backward Classes :: A total of 25% seats shall be reserved

for the candidates in respect of B.C. candidates as

shown below :

Group – A 7%

Group – B 10% Total 25%

Group – C 1%

Group – D 7%

NOTE : (a) Candidates belonging to the above categories should submit Community, Nativity and Date

of Birth Certificate as per of Social Welfare Dept., dt. 12.5.1997.

(b) SC. ST & BC candidates who get seats in merit be not counted against the seats reserved

for them and such candidates will be considered under the general category of seats.

(c) If sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill up the seats reserved for SC’s


shall be filled up by suitable candidates from ST’s and Vice-versa. If the required number of

candidates are not available for filling the quota of seats reserved for SC’s & ST’s they may

be filled by candidates from the general pool on the basis of the merit.

(d) While filling up the seats reserved for Backward Class-A, the qualified Backward class –A

candidates should be considered in the order of merit after filling up the un-reserved seats.

If qualified Backward Class-A candidates are not available, the turn will go to Backward

Class-B, Backward Class-C or Backward Class-D in the order of merit in each group”. If no

suitable candidate is available in any of the four groups, the seats shall be filled up from

general pool on the basis of merit.





A maximum of 6% of the seats of Degree courses shall be reserved for candidates who

have distinguished themselves in Sports, Extra-Curricular activities, N.C.C., and A.C.C.

and children of Ex-Servicemen and Armed personnel as follows :-

(i) Reservation for N.C.C. and A.C.C.: - 2% of seats are reserved for students possessing

the prescribed certificates in N.C.C. and A.C.C. The selection of the candidates shall be

made in the following orders of preference :

(a) Holders of ‘C’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-II Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-II Certificate for Girls from High Schools.

(b) Holders of ‘B’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-I Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-I Certificate for Girls from High Schools.


(c) Holders of A.C.C. Certificates for Boys and Girls from Schools.

NOTE : The candidates with one year Training in the Air Wing of N.C.C. shall for purpose of

admission, be treated on par with the candidates possessing ‘B” and A-I Certificates

of the Army, Naval Wings subject to the conditions that the candidates should

produce a certificate from the Director, N.C.C. to the effect that he, is perfect in his

course and also give an undertaking that he should continue and obtain his ’B’

Certificate in the Air Wing.

(ii) Reservation of seats for Games and Sports : 2% of the seats are reserved for students

who have participated in the games and sports (list given below). The Selection of the

candidates under this category shall be made in order of preference.

NOTE : For the purpose of this rule only the following games will be taken into consideration.

1. Athletics (Men & Women)

2. Badminton (Men & Women)

3. Ball Badminton (Men & Women)

4. Basket Ball (Men & Women)

5. Boxing (Men )

6. Chess (Men & Women)

7. Cricket (Men & Women)

8. Cycling (Men & Women)

9. Foot Ball (Men & Women)

10. Gymnastic & Malkamb (Men & Women)

11. Hand Ball (Men & Women)

12. Hockey (Men & Women)

13. Jude (Men & Women)

14. Kabaddi (Men & Women)

15. Kho-Kho (Men & Women)

16. Rowing (Men & Women)

17. Softball Racket (Men & Women)

18. Squash Racket (Men)

19. Swimming, Diving & Water Polo (Men & Women)

20. Table Tennis (Men & Women)

21. Tennis (Men & Women)

22. Volley Ball (Men & Women)

23. Weight lifting (Men & Women)

24. Best Physique (Men)

25. Cross Country (Men & Women)

26. Wrestling (Men )

27. Yogasanas (Men & Women)

28. Korf ball

29. Water Sailing

iii) Reservation of seats for Extra-Curricular activities :

1% of the seats shall be reserved for students who participated in Extra Curricular

activities such as Elocution, Debates, Essay and Fine Arts such as Dance : Drama, Music Painting,

Photography and president Scouts and Guides certificate holders. The Selection of candidates

shall be made in the following order or preference.

1. Candidates who have represented India at the International level in Extra Curricular

activities and President Scouts and Guides.

2. Candidates who have represented the State at the All India level in the Extra

Curricular activities or obtained prize at competition of All India Level.

3. Candidates who have represented the University at the Inter University Level and

those who have participated in the Inter School level.

NOTE : (a) Selection of candidates with the minimum percentage of marks prescribed for

admission under categories mentioned in item i, ii, and iii shall be made in the orders of

preference indicated therein.

(b) Whenever there are more candidates with the same merit than the actual number of seats

available under the categories specified in item i, ii, and iii above admission shall be regulated by

the marks obtained at the qualifying examination.

iv) Reservation of seats for children of Ex-Servicemen and Children of Armed Personnel :

1% of the seats are reserved for children of Ex-Servicemen and children of Armed

personnel, in the following order of preference :

Priority 1 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel killed in action

Priority 2 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel disabled in action and invalidated out from

service of Medical grounds.

Priority 3 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards, the

order of merit for consideration of the Gallantry Awards being as given below :

i) Param Vir Chakra ii) Ashoka Chakra

iii) Sarvotham Yudh Seva Medal iv) Mahavir Chakra

v) Kirti Chakra vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal

vii) Vir Chakra viii) Shourya Chakra

ix) Yudha Seva Medal x) Sena/Nau Sena/Vayu Sena Medal

xi) Mention in Dispatches.

Priority 4 : Children of other Ex-Servicemen, Servicemen.

11. Reservation of Seats for Physically Handicapped :

3% of the total number of seats in I year of Degree courses shall be reserved for the

Physically Handicapped persons in the following order :-

i) First Priority to those who have visual defects,

ii) Second Priority to those who have defects of the upper limbs, and

iii) Third Priority to those with defects in the lower limbs.

12. Reservation of Seats for Women Candidates :

33 1/3% of seats shall be reserved for women in co-education Government and Aided

Degree Colleges. If women candidates are not available, the seats reserved for women

and remaining unfilled shall be filled by men candidates.


a) Change of Medium :

Candidates admitted to a particular medium in the 1st year shall not be permitted to change to

another medium in the 2nd and 3rd year. They have to answer the optional papers of all the 3 years

in one medium only (i.e. through the medium in which they have appeared for 1st year


b) Change of Faculty :

Candidates admitted to degree course in a faculty can be permitted to change to another

Faculty (Where practicals are not involved) on or before 31.08.2006 provided they have already

registered their applications for admission in that faculty which they desire to change. No change

shall be permitted after this date.

c) Change of Optional Subjects:

Candidates can be permitted to change the optional subjects (where practicals are not involved) on

or before 31.08.2006. No change shall be permitted after this date.

d) Second Language by private study:

The Principals of various degree colleges are required to notify in the beginning of the

academic year with regard to the second language(s) that are offered at the Colleges. The students

seeking admission to 1st year of the Degree Courses be instructed to opt the Second Language

available in the College. However, those who are not conversant with the second language

offered at the College will have to take the permission of the University for exemption from putting

in attendance and to appear at the University Examination privately in that second language by

applying to the University in the prescribed Application Form. The Principals concerned are

requested to forward the applications of such candidates with a consolidated list along with

prescribed fees of Rs.1000/- each payable through Demand Draft in favour of the Registrar,

Osmania University ,on or before the end of 1st term of 1st year i.e., 30-9-2006. Requests of

candidates who apply after the above date will not be entertained.

e) In case the number of students opting for a particular second language in a

college is (10) or more, the College should make necessary teaching arrangements in

that second language and the colleges should seek affiliation in the subject concerned.

No relaxation would be given in regard to the number exceeding (9) and the Principals

will have to take the responsibility for the consequences arising out of admissions made

beyond ceiling prescribed by University, as such, candidates will not be allowed to take

the University Examinations.


14. Admission of foreign students into Ist year of the 3-year Degree course shall be finalized by the

Director, University Foreign Relations Office, Osmania University and allotted to colleges. No

College shall admit any foreign student directly without being allotted by the Director,

UFRO. Any deviation in the prescribed procedure will be viewed seriously and necessary

action would be taken against the erring colleges.


15. Every candidate is required to put in a minimum 75% attendance in order to appear for the

University Examinations. Shortage of attendance to the extent of 10% will be condoned by the

University on Medical grounds and on payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.500/- per

year/Rs.250/- per Semester. If any candidate does not put in the required attendance he/she

will not be permitted to appear for the Examination.


16. Candidates who have completed a particular Degree course in a Faculty from the University,

shall not be allowed to seek regular admission, in view of the fact that the students seeking

fresh admission, for the first time will be deprived of the opportunity and that there is a provision

for appearing at the B.A./B.Com degree Examination through the Centre for Distance

Education, Osmania University.


Candidates who have joined Degree Courses (3years duration) are required to complete the

course within double the duration of the period i.e., six years from the date of admission.

18. Candidates who would be seeking admission to Ist year Degree course are required to under go

instruction in Environmental Studies subject in their second year of study and pass the

examination without which they will not be eligible for award of Degree. As a result, the present

Science & Civilization paper would be shifted to III year.


The final list of admitted candidates into Ist year of 3 year Degree course (one hard copy and

two soft copies on CD) should be sent to the Director, Academic Audit Cell Osmania University,

one hard copy each to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), Osmania University, and the Controller

of Examinations, OU., on or before 11.09.2006 (Monday) and a Certificate to the effect that all

the admissions have been made in accordance with the rules and that no admissions are made

contrary to the rules. The admitted lists will also be accepted upto 26.9.2006 with a penalty

@ Rs.1,000/- per day.


All irregular admissions made by the Principals are liable to be cancelled by the University,

whenever detected, without giving any notice. The Principals shall be held responsible for the

consequences arising out of cancellation of such irregular admissions.

Guidelines for regulating the Admission on Transfer








4. Transfers are permitted only into II/III year of Degree Course (with due consent of

Principals concerned and subject to availability of seats) within the prior approval of the

University from one District to another District OR from District to City or vice-versa under

the jurisdiction of OU.

5. Admission on transfer shall not be made by the Principals directly without the prior

approval of the University.

6. Candidates are required to pay of Rs.1000/- (One thousand only) towards transfer fees

payable through D.D., drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’ from Nationalized

Banks only.

7. Transfer Applications shall not be entertained without the following :

i) Consent of the Principals concerned

ii) Xerox copies of the Memorandum of Marks of I / II year Degree course.

iii) Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’.

8. Transfer Applications received after the last date prescribed shall NOT be entertained.







2. Transfers into 2nd / 3rd year of B.A./B.Sc./B. Com. courses from other Universities will be

considered, subject to the following conditions;.

a. The Degree course which the candidate is pursuing at the parent University should

have been recognized by the Osmania University.

b. At least two third ( 2/3rd ) of syllabus of the 1st /2nd year subjects studied by the

candidate at the parent University should be equivalent with the syllabus of the

Osmania University candidates should have completely passed the 1st / 2nd year

examination at the parent University OR they should be eligible for promotion to 2nd /

3rd year degree courses as per rules and regulations of Osmania University.

c. Candidates shall be admitted on transfer at Osmania University to the same

course/combination which they have studied in 1st/ 2nd year degree course at the

parent University. Change of Group/Combination/Optional is not permissible.

d. Candidates may be granted exemption from appearing and passing in such of those

papers which are found equivalent and which they have passed at the parent

University securing 36% pass marks prescribed by the Osmania University. These

papers will not be counted as backlog papers for purpose of promotion to next higher


e. Candidates are required to appear and pass the papers of 1st/2nd year (both Theory

and/or Practicals as the case may be) by securing a minimum of 36% of pass marks as

per OU requirement. Those candidates who have secured less than 36% marks but

declared passed as per the parent University rules, are required to appear in those

papers from OU and secure a minimum of 36% marks for considering them as pass as

per OU rules for award of degree by Osmania University. Eventhough candidates are

promoted to next higher class at the parent University as per their rules, they will be

considered for admission into 2nd/3rd year only if they fulfill the OU rules for promotions

i.e., passing in 50% of the papers prescribed in that year (including practicals wherever

applicable), which they have not studied OR not passed OR secured not less than 36%

pass percentage prescribed at Osmania University OR which are not found equivalent


f. In case where the 1st /2nd year examination passed by the candidate is a house

examination conducted by the College and not by the University, no exemption would

be granted and the candidates are required to appear and pass all the papers of 1st/2nd

year papers from Osmania University at the next immediate examination, without fail.

In such cases, these papers will not be treated as backlog papers for purpose of


g. Candidates are required to submit a Certified copy of the detailed syllabus of the

course pursued by them at the parent University in order to establish equivalence of

the subjects for considering exemption.

h. Once the candidates are granted admission on transfer into Osmania University they

will be treated as students of this University. They have to appear and pass in (a)

papers in which they failed or (b) where the syllabus is not equivalent, from Osmania

University only and not from the parent University. Any examination appeared/passed

from the parent University after the transfer will not considered as valid. No

consolidated memo will be issued to candidates transferred from other


i. No Principal shall admit candidates directly on transfer without the prior

approval of the University.

j. In some cases, the University may admit candidates on transfer provisionally, subject

to production of Memo of Marks/Syllabus. In such cases, the candidates are required

to submit the same within one month to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), O.U., only

and obtain confirmation orders.

k. In case where the candidates have not studied/appeared the compulsory subjects

Part-I viz., General English, Second Language and Indian Heritage & Culture/ Science

and Civilization and Environmental Studies in I/II year at the parent University, they are

required to appear and pass the same at the immediate next examinations from

Osmania University.

l. Applications for admission on transfer shall not be considered unless they are

accompanied with the following:

(i) Xerox copies of Memorandum of marks of I/II year degree course of the

Parent University.

(ii) Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- (for the students seeking admission on

transfer from Universities with in the State) and Rs.3000/- (for the

students seeking admission on transfer from Universities out side the

State) drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY’ (from

Nationalized banks only).

(iii) Certified copies of the Syllabus of 1st/IInd Degree course year studied at

Parent University.




Candidates seeking admission are required to submit the prescribed application from which

can be had from the Director, University Press & Publications, Osmania University Campus, OU.,

on payment of Rs.20/- (Rs. Twenty only)(Form ‘A’ transfer of students from one college to another

within the University and Form ’B’ transfer of students from other Universities (within and outside the

state) to Osmania University.

The Principals are required to give their consent for admission on transfer of the Student in the

column provided in the application form, which is a pre-requisite to consider their applications for issue

of Orders by the University. Such transfers should not in any way exceed the approved strength of that

particular course/combination permitted by the University.

Principals are requested to ensure that the admission on transfer is in order and as per the

rules and the course and combination passed by the candidates in Parent College/University is

available in their college. and then only they should give their consent on the application forms with

their signatures and College stamps duly showing the district in which the college is situated and also

with a mention of the ceiling (i.e. approved strength), Combination and the number of Students after

admission of that particular transfer. (Please ensure that a mention is made in the stamp about the

District i.e. R.R.District/Hyderabad/District Town etc., as the case may be).

Candidates who desirous to apply for admission on transfer into II / III degree courses shall

follow the schedule shown below:-

a) Last date for submission of application forms -- 01-8-2006

b) Last date with penalty of Rs. 500/- -- 17-8-2006

c) Last date with penalty of Rs.1000/- -- 31-8-2006

In all cases of transfers, the attendance put in by the students in the parent college/University

till the issue of transfer certificate shall be clubbed with the attendance put in new college for calculating

the total attendance during the academic year in order to appear for Annual examination. Hence, the

students seeking transfer are required to submit Attendance Certificate alongwith the Transfer

Certificate at the time of joining new college.


No student be admitted on transfer by the Colleges directly without obtaining prior

approval/orders of the University under any circumstances and the College shall be held

responsible for violation. Any student admitted so, will not be permitted for the University


Applications without the Consent of the Principals/without full details will not be

entertained/ Considered by the University.





Osmania University is one of the premier institutions of higher learning in India

epitomizing the national agenda for higher education. “A pioneering and

performing university accredited by NAAC with the highest rating of five

stars in the service of the Nation, making higher education accessible,

affordable and meaningful to lakhs of students from a backward region”.

This aptly sums up the spirit and essence of Osmania University – the symbol of life

long learning.


Established in 1918, Osmania University is the 7th oldest university in the country, 3rd

oldest in south India and the oldest in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Named after its

founder Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan, the 7th Nizam of the then princely state of

Hyderabad, Osmania University is the first university in the country to impart

instruction through the medium of an Indian language i.e., Urdu with English as a

compulsory subject. Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore lauded this revolutionary

experiment of a regional language as the medium of higher education.

The birth of Osmania University with the lofty ideals of synthesizing the ancient and

modern, the orient and occidental and development of national ethos in the

academic pursuits of a high order symbolized a renaissance in the Indian higher

education system.


Osmania University forms an integral part of the history, cosmopolitan culture,

architectural richness and legacy of the 400-year-old city of Hyderabad, which is fast

emerging as the knowledge capital of India. It is located on sprawling campus on

the East of Hyderabad.


With such a milieu and conducive academic ambience as the backdrop, the growth of

Osmania University has been carefully nurtured in teaching research and extension

to serve the socio-economically backward region of Telangana, its catchment area

and the country at large. The development of Osmania University during the last

eight decades witnessed the establishment of a large number of teaching

departments and the structuring of academic programmes, besides setting up of a

host of specialized centres such as the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental

Studies (RCUES), the Centre for Indian Ocean Studies (CIOS), the Research and

Training Centre for Navigational Electronics (NERTU), the Audio Visual Research

Centre (AVRC), the University Computer Centre (UCC), the Academic Staff College

(ASC), the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) for promotion of interinstitutional

collaboration and to offer consultancy and customized service. Growth is

also reflected in the decentralization of higher education through opening of off

campus PG centres in rural areas and extending access to education through

distance education to meet the increasing demands for higher education. The

academic diversity, physical spread and infra-structural strength add to the

University’s comprehensiveness and complexity at the turn of the new century.

Over the years, Osmania University has crossed several mile stones, made

significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and kept pace with

changing times and needs of new generations. It has transitioned from a

traditional university and traversing to become a pacesetter in the field of higher

education with an international outlook and global out reach. Osmania University

truly exemplifies continuity, change, tradition and modernity in higher learning.


Osmania University envisions to be the premier institution that offers teaching and

learning programmes of the best quality and graduate students who excel and

become leaders in their chosen walk of life contributing to the community, nation

and the world.”


The mission of the University is to achieve excellence in teaching and research, to

preserve and generate knowledge, to develop and enhance human resources, to

improve the quality of life and contribute to regional and national development in

harmony with culture, heritage and environment.


Osmania University is a multi-faculty, multi-campus, comprehensive, semiresidential

and the largest affiliating university with nearly 1000 affiliated colleges

under it.

There are 11 faculties and 52 academic departments. The University caters to the

educational needs of nearly 3 lakhs students by offering 30 courses at the UG level

(with158 combinations) and more than 100 courses at the PG level. M. Phil and

Doctoral programmes are offered in almost all the subjects. The University has

strength of 763 teaching and 2595 non-teaching staff.

The university functions through a network of 8 campus colleges, 5 constituent

colleges, 8 district PG Colleges and a vast network of affiliated colleges spread over 6

districts of Telangana (including twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad)

covering a geographical area of 60000 sq. kms with a population of over 20 millions.


The Research pursuits at the University are wide ranging, inter-disciplinary and of a

high order. The University Departments and Research centers have been performing

exceedingly well in this arena. During the past 5 years about 1112 Ph.D's and 250

M.Phil degrees have been awarded. About 190 Research Projects have been

completed in various departments and nearly 270 projects are under completion. The

faculty of the university is constantly engaged in research and publication, having

published 1735 articles and 191 books during the last five years.


Osmania University rightly envisages the Industry-Institute interaction and

international cooperation as the vehicles for promotion of excellence. Several

developmental activities have been undertaken to promote collaboration with

National and International organizations. 18 Research and Training centres have

been established with targeted aims and linkages with the industry. A Research

Development and Consultancy cell to facilitate consultancy and other activities

has also been established. In order to transform the students from job seekers to job

providers an Entrepreneurship Development Cell has also been established.

Placement cells have been activated at the college of engineering, technology,

science, and commerce & management. There is positive and encouraging response

from industry and corporate houses.

The University is pioneering the introduction of innovative programmes of study and

undertaking of socially relevant research by partnering the industry in this

endeavour. As part of this initiative, it has established a University – Industry Hub

with the objective to generate skilled human resources who can be quick starters

and to devise courses in consultation with the industry for promoting rapid economic

industrial growth of the country.


Alumni of Osmania University have distinguished themselves at the national and

international levels. They have spread far and wide globally and done their Alma

Mater proud by excelling themselves as academicians, administrators, scientists,

scholars, entrepreneurs and technocrats. Several of them have reached heights of

excellence in their respective fields and are significantly contributing to the socioeconomic

development of the nation and world at large.

Osmania University has always considered its alumni as a source of strength, support

and sustenance in its endeavors of scholarship, innovation and institution building in

higher education. The Alumni Association of Osmania University has been formed in

order to fulfill the long felt need for a forum and the cherished desires of its alumni.

It has been duly registered as a society. Alumni Associations are actively functioning

in USA and Saudi Arabia.


Osmania University envisages for itself a proactive role in re-engineering the higher

education system for the establishment a knowledge-based society. The University

has embarked upon far reaching initiatives to promote scholarship and innovation in

higher education and to modernize the University governance. These include the

introduction of Semester System, launching of new courses, establishment of new

centers of excellence, carving out of new faculties, conferment of autonomy on

campus and constituent colleges, restructuring of curriculum and courses,

strengthening of distance education, establishment of new institutional frame work

such as the Directorate of Admissions, Directorate of Academic Audit Cell, the

University Foreign Relations Office and the Council of Affiliated Colleges, networking

with overseas alumni for institution-building and international cooperation,

participation in the Association of Commonwealth Universities network, streamlining

of hostel management, modernization of University administration and examination


Healthy practices are in place in the University. These include academic schedule as

per almanac and introduction of semester system in UG and PG Courses in the

Campus and Constituent Colleges and increase of opportunities for students to

acquire IT and communication skills and web based learning. An Internal Quality

Assurance Cell has been established to monitor and sustain the quality of education

offered. A Central Facilities Building with an outlay of Rs. 4.5 crores will come up

soon. The Osmania University library also has been renovated and as part of its

modernization the digitization of manuscripts and books has been taken up. The

University has entered into an MoU with Carnegie Mellon University, USA for

digitization of books and Juma-Al-Majid Centre for Heritage and Culture, Dubai for

digitization of manuscripts. The Vision of Osmania, which depicts the glimpses of

the yester years of the university, located in the Library, has been given a facelift.

The University is conscious of need for constant innovations in curricular

restructuring and introduction of new programs of study to suit the requirements of

knowledge-based society. During the last year several courses have been redesigned

and new courses introduced which include M. Sc. (Geo-Informatics), M. Sc. (Forensic

Science) and B. Tech (Bio-Technology) and M.Phil(Policy studies) The University has

also introduced BA and M. A. in Psychology and M. Sc. in Statistics through distance



Osmania University has carved out a niche for its eminence through excellence in

higher education. The University has the distinction of being the first university in

the Andhra Pradesh to be accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation

Council (NAAC) with highest rating of 5 stars. The University College for Women is

the first institution in Andhra Pradesh to have won NAAC accreditation with A*****

in 1999. It has also secured re-accreditation in 2004. The Departments of

Electronics & communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering of

the University College of Engineering have been awarded ISO 9001 Certification by

the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India in 2001. Nizam College

and University College for Women have been recognized by UGC as Colleges with

Potential for Excellence.

An e-Learning resources center (LRC) and e-Class room with modern audio/video

and Multi media facilities have been established. Latest books and journals worth Rs.

90 lakhs have been added at the college library. Indo-US collaboration network

programme is made available to the students through EDUSAT.

The Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC) of Osmania University is the

first in Andhra Pradesh to produce web-based multimedia e-learning programs. The

UGC-Academic Staff College, Osmania University has been ranked third in the

country by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.


Today, at the beginning of the new millennium Osmania University is in the vanguard

and more than poised to meet the opportunities and challenges of near and distant

future. It stands out as the living symbol of enlightenment, emancipation and


Driven by the vision and determination and endowed with vast internal resources of

brain power, academic diversity, infra-structural strength and inherent institutional

capability coupled with remarkable resilience, Osmania University is all set to assume

a central position to shape the destiny of the national educational system and scale

new heights of excellence in the years to come.


Research Development and Consultancy Cell

The University established a “Research Development and Consultancy Cell” to

channel faculty resources to undertake sponsored research and consultancy, and

patenting activities for the University. It is envisaged as a single window agency to make

available the University talent to Industry and R&D Organization, and to generate

funding in the process.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Academic Staff College

Activities carried out

The Academic Staff College conducted thirteen Refresher Courses in the Sciences

and the Social Sciences, three Orientation Courses and a one week Workshop for

Principals of University and Degree Colleges, and one Orientation Course in Value

Education. The Orientation Course for Academic Administrators and workshop for

Principals discussed various dimensions relating to higher education and the reforms


Artificial Intelligence Centre

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims at developing computer capabilities towards

intelligent behavior to achieve human-level performance in all cognitive tasks. It

provides mathematical strength to capture and emulate the uncertainties associated with

certain perceptual and linguistic attributes of the human cognitive process. Its

objectives are to understand the computational principles underlying intelligence in man

and machines and to develop methods for building computer-based systems to solve

problems, to communicate with people, and to perceive and interact with the physical


􀂙 Serve as a nucleus for interaction and dissemination of information in the field of

Artificial Intelligence, i.e., to provide an interface between different disciplines,

􀂙 Use and direct their sensory and communicative mechanisms to gather

information about their environments and each other,

􀂙 Represent and reason about the world they inhabit,

􀂙 Coordinate their actions to cooperatively achieve goals and allocate their

resources effectively,

􀂙 Understand instructions or other communication from humans,

􀂙 Improve their performance by learning from experience, and

􀂙 To open a new paradigm for realisation of human-like information processing


Centre for Biotechnology

The Centre was established in the year 1996 by Osmania University, Hyderabad,

at the University College of Technology. This Centre has a unique Biotechnology Lab

equipped with the latest equipment and instruments for doing research and development

in the field of biotechnology. During the last few years research has been done in the

production of lactic acid, Itaconic acid, and Vanillin by fermentation. Research is also

being carried out in the development of biodegradable polymers using lactic acid,

industrial enzymes and probiotics.

The Centre

􀂙 Conducts research on projects of national and international importance

􀂙 Develops design equations and equipment for industrial applications

􀂙 Provides analytical and experimental (bench and pilot scale) facilities to all

departments of Osmania University, institutions and industries.

􀂙 Installs computer facilities with access to Network (WWW) to facilitate reference

of current work and trends in biotechnology

􀂙 Undertakes sponsored projects

􀂙 Offers short term courses to faculty and personnel from industries/ institutions to

create awareness in bioprocessing / bioprocesses

􀂙 Develops manpower by conducting training programmes

􀂙 Creates national storage facilities for organisms

􀂙 Develops and transfers technologies for improvement of rural areas.

􀂙 Develops eco-friendly technologies for biodegradation of solid & liquid wastes

􀂙 Liaisons industry-university interaction, and transfer of technologies.

Centre for Energy Technology

The Centre for Energy Technology located at the University College of Engineering

Campus, Osmania University was established during November 1997 with the objective

of promoting ‘new and renewable’ sources of energy.


􀂙 Demonstrate and promote renewable energy technologies.

􀂙 Render expertise and consultancy.

􀂙 Establish linkages with R&D and industrial organisations through collaborative


􀂙 Work in close collaboration with organisations such as MNES, IREDA, MOP, MOC,

NEDCAP,, etc. for attaining national objectives.

􀂙 Organise educational/training programmes

􀂙 Introduce renewable energy technologies to students

􀂙 Develop energy conservation technologies and environmentally benign clean coal


􀂙 Develop advanced energy efficient systems.

Centre for Indian Ocean Studies

The Centre for Indian Ocean Studies was established in 1983 as UGC’s Area

Study Centre dealing with urban development and regional planning in the Indian Ocean

region. The areas of research were diversified to geo-politics, urban development,

regional planning and trade and resource problems of the countries of the Indian Ocean

region. The Centre has a faculty drawn from the four social science disciplines viz.,

Economics, Geography, Political Science and Sociology.


The objectives of the Centre are to undertake studies of the Indian Ocean Region

countries from an inter-disciplinary social science angle, make recommendations to

serve as policy inputs to the Government of India’s External Affairs Ministry, to conduct

conferences and seminars on topics relevant to the region, and bring out Reports and

Books. The Centre brings out a bi-annual publication, Indian Ocean Digest.

Centre for Plant Molecular Biology

The CPMB was established in 1991 with financial assistance from the Dept. of

Biotechnology, Govt. of India.


􀂙 To conduct research in plant molecular biology and biotechnology.

􀂙 To develop human resource in the area of molecular biology and biotechnology.

Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management

The management of solid waste for the twin city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad

(50 lakh population) generating over 2500 tonnes of municipal solid waste every day is a

gigantic task. While local government/ municipal bodies can handle essentially the

collection and disposal of MSW, there are several other complementary aspects of solid

waste management, where other agencies can play a pivotal role. Important aspects

such as creating awareness amongst the public for better solid waste management,

motivating public at large to clean up local environment, training personnel as waste

management professionals, design and construction of transfer stations and landfills,

transfer of new technologies from developed countries, and research & developmental

activities are very vital and form an integral part of solid waste management

programmes. Since these aspects cannot be handled by the local government/ municipal

bodies, institutional support is absolutely necessary to implement the solid waste

management programmes effectively. It is with this perspective that Osmania University

felt the need to launch a “Centre for Solid Waste Technology and Management”

(CSWTM) and serve the community at large, with its sole mission of creating a clean

environment to improve public health. Accordingly, the Centre (CSWTM) was established

in July 2000 with the objective of creating a clean environment by undertaking the

various activities stated above.


􀂙 To create awareness amongst the public about the need for better solid waste


􀂙 To provide public education about reduction in Solid Waste.

􀂙 To disseminate the know-how about simple methods of disposing Solid Waste.

􀂙 To motivate the public at large to clean up the local environment.

􀂙 To develop training modules about latest technologies and impart training to Solid

Waste Management personnel.

􀂙 To provide consultancy services on design and constructions of transfer stations

and landfill sites.

􀂙 To provide advisory services on identification of probable landfill sites

􀂙 To provide consultation, on operation, closure and post closure of the landfills.

􀂙 To facilitate and disseminate transfer of latest technology from developed


􀂙 To encourage and carryout additional research and developmental activities.

􀂙 To work in liaison with Public and Private organisations on various aspects of Solid

Waste Technology and Management, and thus achieve the principal goal of clean

environment and improved public health.

Centre for Study in Bio-Terrorism and Public Health Policy

􀂙 The Centre aims to serve as a nodal agency between scientists from various

disciplines belonging to life sciences, medical sciences, social sciences,

management, defense personnel, public health policy makers, media, and

community for wider discussion, awareness, preparedness, response and health

care plans to counter the threats of chemical and bio terrorism.

􀂙 It will provide critical support to the homeland defence initiatives of the

Government to enable government officials to formulate policy, acquire key

systems and manage resources in security and public health management.

􀂙 It will prepare instruction specific response plans to different agencies of

government for effective coordination and concerted action.

􀂙 It will establish databases for the efficacy of various chemical and biological

weapons and their neutralization procedures, and initiate collaboration with

research organisations, Universities/ Academic institutions.

􀂙 It will design disaster management manuals for the use of various government

and non-government organisations to meet the threat of bio-terrorism effectives.

Centre for Quantitative Methods

􀂙 To encourage and inculcate quantitative approach to research in various fields of

study. To provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussions in (quantitative)

model building and data analysis among the faculty and (research) students of

the University including affiliated colleges and centres connected with the


􀂙 To achieve these academic objectives, the Centre will :

􀂙 Facilitate scientific computation and non-commercial data processing and

quantitative data analysis and modeling, by way of providing (a) computational

facility (PC’s and scientific software) for research connected with the University

and (b) advise and give computational/programme assistance to the researchers.

􀂙 Acquire books having a bearing on Quantitative Modeling and Data Analysis as

also some expository books in related areas, for reference to the scholars.

􀂙 Organize courses for hands-on-training in data analysis.

Centre for Women’s Studies

The Centre for Women’s Studies was established in 1997 to promote an

interdisciplinary academic field, which focuses on the analysis of human culture in the

light of women’s experience. It examines the status of women and their contribution to

cultural traditions in society. The Centre encourages discourse on women’s

empowerment, issues related to woman’s health and economic independence, education

and political participation by creating a platform for both social activists and

academicians to share the common concerns of women. It tries to promote Women’s

Studies through teaching, research, counselling and social activism.


􀂙 To develop interdisciplinary research on studies concerning women, gender issues

and human relations.

􀂙 To organize local, national and international seminars, conferences, colloquia and

workshops on women and gender studies.

􀂙 To publish research findings on women’s studies and gender issues.

􀂙 To develop networking among various individuals, institutions and organisations

working at micro and macro levels for the cause of women’s upliftment and


􀂙 To evaluate, identify, recognize and publicize the contribution of women at

various levels like family, neighbourhood, education, health, technology, media,

literature, environment protection, culture, religion, industry, commerce, politics,

administration, and problem solving issues.

Educational Multimedia Research Centre

􀂙 EMMRC, Osmania University, was established by the UGC in 1983 to produce

educational video films for telecast on Doordarshan. The Centre has so far

produced more than 537 educational programmes. The educational programmes

are telecast twice daily under the caption “Country Wide Classroom” (CWCR) of

DDI & Higher Education Channel. The primary aim of EMMRC is to take quality

education to the rural areas. Most of the programmes focus on the academic

needs of the UG and PG students. The Centre is closely associated with many

institutions like IICT, CCMB, NIN, etc. in its pursuit of excellence.

􀂙 As per the UGC-CEC latest guidelines, the Centre is making programmes on the

lines of the syllabus based subjects of Sociology, Hotel Management, History,

Crime & Society and other enrichment based programmes for the benefit of

undergraduate students.

Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases

The Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases established in 1978 is

a premier research Institute under Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. It

provides genetic services, conducts multi-disciplinary research and provides training in

medical genetics.


􀂙 Maintenance of genetic registry

􀂙 Pre-natal and post-natal diagnosis of genetic diseases

􀂙 Carrier detection and management

􀂙 Research into pathogenesis and development of new diagnostic tools

􀂙 Monitoring of populations for environmental and occupational hazards

􀂙 Prospective (premarital and preconceptional) and retrospective genetic


Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics

The Department of Electronics (DoE), Government of India, realising the

importance of navigational electronics and the specific needs of the Dept. of Civil

Aviation and the Indian Air Force, decided to create a national centre for expertise in this

area. Proposals were invited, and the one submitted by the Department of Electronics

and Communication Engineering, Osmania University, was selected. Thus the R and T

Unit for Navigational Electronics came into being on 1st April, 1982 as a sponsored

project of the DoE. It continued to enjoy this status until September 1992 when, in

recognition of the excellent services rendered by it to user organisations, the

Government of Andhra Pradesh made it a permanent establishment of Osmania

University by funding its recurring expenditure.


􀂙 To conduct research in the frontier areas of navigational electronics covering the

current state-of-the art technologies.

􀂙 To identify research topics based on sponsoring agencies’ requirement, and for

research work at the national and international level for B.E., M.E., and Ph.D.


􀂙 To execute sponsored and consultancy projects.

􀂙 To conduct short-term courses, workshops and symposia in the broad area of

navigational Electronics that will aid manpower development in this area.

Research Development & Consultancy Cell

Research Development & Consultancy Cell was first established in 1996 as an

individual unit in each College. A Committee was established in 2003 to revise the

guidelines of Research Development & Consultancy Cell. The Executive Council in 2004,

approved the revised guidelines framed by the Committee. A centralised Research

Development & Consultancy Cell and its Advisory Committee was created in March 2004.


􀂙 Promoting external cash flow by facilitating consultancy activities.

􀂙 Extending R&D Infrastructure of University for strengthening industry-academia


􀂙 Facilitating patenting activities, and project mode consultancy.

􀂙 Encouraging research atmosphere in the University.

Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology

The Ross Memorial Society, Hyderabad (A. P.), took over the possession of Ross

Memorial Building from the Airport Authority of India, Hyderabad Airport, Begumpet,

Hyderabad - 500 016 in the year 1979. In realization of its earnest objectives of

continuing and promoting Ross’s legacy of researches in malaria and other parasitic

diseases prevalent in this part of the Tropics, the Ross Memorial Society established a

Research Institute of Parasitology, christened in the name of Major Dr. Sir Ronald Ross.

Sir Ronald Ross made an epoch-making discovery in the very same building in 1897. He

announced that malaria is transmitted from a malariated person to a healthy person

through the bite of a vector, the female Anopheles (mosquito). For this great discovery,

he received the prestigious Nobel Prize of 1902 in Physiology and Medicine. The Ross

Memorial Society also established a modest Ross Memorial Museum with the portraits,

illustrative of the biography of the great benefactor of mankind, the late Sir Ronald Ross

and his discovery of malaria transmission. The Ross Memorial Society, handed over the

Ross Memorial Building including the Sir Ronald Institute of Parasitology and Ross

Memorial Museum to Osmania University in 1993 and the same is now under its full

administrative control. The entire building was renovated to its original form in the year

1997 during the centenary celebrations of Ross’s discovery of malaria transmission.

Training and Orientation Centre

The National Service Scheme is a noble experiment in academic expansion. It

inculcates the spirit of Voluntary Work among the students and teachers through

sustained community interactions. It brings academic institutions closer to society. It

shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve results, which are desirable for

community development. Over the years, the NSS has emerged as India’s largest

student youth movement involving linkages with the community.

In India, the idea of involving students in the task of national service dates back

to the time of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The central theme which he

tried to impress upon his student audience time and again was that they should always

keep before them their social responsibilities. Advising them to form a linking contact

with the community in whose midst their institution was located he suggested that

instead of undertaking academic research about economic and social disability the

students should do “something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to

a higher material and moral level”.

As per the guidelines of the Government of India, each Training and Orientation

Centre has to conduct 5 (Five) Orientation Training Programmes of 10 (Ten) days for

Untrained Programme Officers, and 3 (Three) Refresher Training Programmes of 5 (Five)

days for already trained officer through Orientation Training Programmes. These training

programmes impart effective skills to all NSS-programme officers of the different

Universities of Andhra Pradesh, for the successful implementation of NSS programmes.

Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies

The Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies, Osmania University

[RCUES-OU] constitutes a unique paradigm for institutional collaboration and

cooperation for Capacity Building, Organisational Re-engineering and Institutional

Strengthening in the areas of Urban Development and Management, Poverty Reduction

and Development. It was established in the year 1970 by the Ministry of Urban Affairs

and Employment, Government of India. The RCUES-OU is a strategic intervention on the

part of the Govt. of India and it addresses the Research and Training needs of the

constituent states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu and the Union

Territory of Pondicherry in the following areas of Administration and Management of the

Urban Sector viz., Municipal Administration & Management, Poverty Alleviation, Urban

Community Development and Monitoring the Quality of Life; Town and Country Planning;

Public Health Engineering and Projects; Public Housing, Strategies for Identification of

Appropriate Technology & Cost Reduction; Sustainable Development and Management of

Urban Infrastructure and Services; Financial Management and Entrepreneurship

Development and Cooperative Banking.


􀂙 To generate and disseminate information pertinent to policy planning, strategy

formulation, action planning, program implementation and management;

􀂙 To undertake applied research, identify and formulate action plans to resolve

problems relating to urban development, administration and management;

􀂙 To define and organise access to responsive knowledge or skill transfer to the

personnel – Elected as well as the cadres of Civil Service – involved in the

management of the urban sector;

􀂙 To conceptualise and organize seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences, etc.,

on the wide band of issues, problems and practices pertaining to the

management and administration of urban development and management; and

􀂙 To facilitate synergetic interaction between academics and professionals through

project based re-training facilities and extension education programs.

Centre for Educational Development of Minorities

The basic problem of minorities is educational and economic backwardness. In

order to overcome this problem the government of Andhra Pradesh formulated a few

schemes for the socio-economic and educational development of the minorities based on

a socio-economic survey conducted by Osmania University.

The Minorities Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh identified

Osmania University as the nodal agency to implement projects for the development of

the minorities in the state. Osmania University established the Centre for Educational

Development of Minorities at Nizam College in 1994.


The Centre has been implementing the following two major projects sponsored by

the State Government since 1994.

􀂙 An integrated project on improving the classroom performance of school children

belonging to minorities.

􀂙 A comprehensive project on improving the participation and performance of

minority candidates in competitive examinations.

Competitive Examination Coaching Centre

To organise appropriate coaching classes to prepare candidates belonging to

socially and educationally backward and minority groups for competing in various

Competitive Examinations for recruitment to services under the Central & State

Governments and Nationalized Banks.

To provide guidance in choosing a career.

To provide coaching facilities for EAMCET and other Entrance Examinations.

Mission of the Centre

Educational development of weaker sections amongst educationally backward

minority communities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Employment Information & Guidance Bureau

The Bureau was established in 1962 as a joint venture with the Department of

Employment and Training, Govt. of A.P. University employment information and

guidance bureau is a wing of the Department of Employment and Training, Government

of Andhra Pradesh. Its activities include registration of unemployed graduates,

vocational, professional and career guidance and counseling. It displays on its notice

board the vacancies notified by different employers. It also arranges lectures on various

facets of career planning and job opportunities.


Objectives of the Bureau are providing Career Information, Guidance, Counseling,

and registering the professional and executive standard applicants to show suitable

employment opportunities as per the requirement of the employers.

English Language Training Centre

The English Language Training Centre is a UGC sponsored University Centre. It

was established in 1988 to improve the English Language Teaching / Learning, and

enhance the standards of English. Since then the Centre has been offering new courses

in association with foreign experts. These courses have been very effective in helping

campus students and others in acquiring proficiency in English which has become very

essential in India for career and mobility.

With a decade and a half of experience in English Language Teaching and

Training, the Centre has designed many new programmes. The courses are designed

with the help of the Academic Advisory Committee, after long deliberations, considering

the changing needs of English. Study Materials are prepared for every course by highly

qualified and experienced teachers. The courses offered are of high quality besides being

accessible to students, teaches, employees and professionals.


􀂙 To run need based English Courses;

􀂙 To provide Remedial Courses;

􀂙 To help the College and University students in English language expertise;

􀂙 To offer Courses to professionals (lawyers, engineers, doctors, paramedical staff

and software users etc.);

􀂙 To organise training programmes for school and college teachers;

􀂙 To offer advice and assistance to individual colleges in terms of their language

needs; and

􀂙 To undertake research activities.

Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) Cell

This Cell has been constituted to monitor the effective implementation of

reservations to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category students with regard to


Admission into various university study programmes

Appointment to teaching and other jobs

Accommodation into hostels

Social welfare scholarships

The Cell also sends regular reports to the Commission of Enquiry, organizes

lectures on socio-economic awareness aspects, conducts teacher training programmes

and attends to the grievances of SC and ST teachers and students.

University Health Centre

The Health Centre offers free medical treatment to students, staff and their families.

There are specialists attached to the Centre who offer expert medical advice. The Health

Centre situated in the University’s main campus, is located near the B-Hostel building. It

is open from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.

The Chief Medical Officer, assisted by a team of competent doctors, heads it. Staff and

students receive only out-patient treatment at this Centre. Besides this, each of the

Constituent Colleges has its own Health Centre located within its premises.

National Service Scheme

The main aim of this scheme is Service through education and personality

development through service, it is planned for educated youth and programmed around

youth and it tops the potentials of Youth and for National construction and national

regeneration. Above all understanding a human beings their needs, feelings, and work

for their betterment. The NSS Develops the Social ethics involves, several human values

like sincerity, honesty, discipline, loyalty, freedom, dignity of labour, individuality,

understanding other Cooperation, motivation, equality, integrity, brotherhood, character

building and thinking for others are the prime request of NSS Volunteers and


NSS unit of Osmania University hosted the state level NSS Youth Festival,

members from all universities participated in Cultural activities, Quiz competitions,

debates organized by the unit. The NSS unit has taken up regular activities like

Orientation Lectures, Awareness Program on HIV and AIDS, Superstition, Puls Polio,

Child Labour, Health Checkup, Hygiene and Sanitation. Conducted Peace walks, Mega

Camps, Blood Donation, Eye Donation and Tree Plantation. The NSS cell with moto “Not

Me But You” and always in the forefront to inculcate Foster of National Integration and

rendered service to the community.

Osmania University International Placement Service

The Centre was established vide the EC resolution in the year 2001. The Centre

aims at dissemination of the employment information to Students (Job seekers) and

Industries (Job providers) through its web site.

Students Welfare Department

The Office of the Students’ Welfare Department is located in the Office of the

Registrar, Osmania University and is headed by the Dean, Students Affairs. Its basic

mandate is to look into the grievances, if any, of the students and help in redressing

them. It also plays a pivotal role in organizing cultural and recreational activities of

students. Youth Welfare Officers assist him. He can be contacted at any time by the

students for help on academic, personal, health and financial matters.

University Foreign Relations Office

Osmania University is now emerging as a frontline International University. The

University now is a host to students from several foreign countries. Over 400 foreign

students, from some 27 countries, are currently on rolls studying in different colleges

and university departments spread over various faculties. The countries of their origin

being Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Yemen,

Ethipia, Oman, Uganda, Nepal, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Canada, USA, Pakistan, Palestine,

Syria, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, UAE, Denmark, Europia, Trinidad (W.I) and UK. Realising the

importance of catering to the needs of foreign students the Univeristy, in December

1999, established a University Foreign Relations Office (UFRO). The UFRO assists in

fostering relations between universities both Indian and foreign and helps in exchange

programmes involving staff, scholars and students.


UFRO facilitates admission of foreign students at Osmania University and assists

in fostering relations with foreign universities and helps in exchange programmes

involving staff, scholars and students.

􀂙 Provides International students and visitors with all information pertaining to

academic and other services available in the university.

􀂙 Responds to the requests of foreign students/scholars and their families by

serving as a nodal point

􀂙 Promotes appreciation and understanding of different cultures

􀂙 Works with academic departments of the university to develop, coordinate and

promote joint academic programmes with foreign universities.

􀂙 Extends all help in finding suitable accommodation for foreign students / scholars.

􀂙 Organises orientation programmes to meet the immediate and continuing needs

of new foreign students and makes them familiar with the university set-up, and

the city of Hyderabad.

􀂙 Arranges health insurance, and bridge courses for improving their English

language skills.

􀂙 Established contacts with many Indian Consulate Offices working abroad for

attracting more number of foreign students.

􀂙 Associated itself with the UGC on Promotion of Indian Higher Education Abroad

(PIHEAD) programme

􀂙 Established a Students Hostel to attract more foreign Students to OU.

􀂙 Established good relations with ICCR, Min. of Cultural Affairs for getting more

number of sponsored candidates.

Directorate of Academic Audit Cell

The Academic Audit Cell was established in the year 1978 in order to monitor

effectively the academic and administrative functioning of the affiliated colleges under

Osmania University. It was a unique concept initiated by Osmania University not found in

any other Universities. Following the lines of Osmania University, the AP Vice-Chancellors

conference passed a resolution to establish this office in other Universities of the State.

The Academic Audit Cell performs several functions such as extension of affiliation

and grant of affiliations to Colleges and courses, conduct of inspections, nomination of

Governing Body members, Selection Committee members and approval of teachers

appointed through the duly constituted selection committee in unaided colleges. Apart

from these functions, inspections are also conducted by the Academic Audit Cell during

the academic year I) to attend to the redressal of grievances of students, staff and

managements of colleges and ii) to monitor teaching diaries, conduct of classes,

availability of teaching and non-teaching staff and the up-keep and maintenance of

Laboratories and Libraries and various records.


The main objective of the Academic Audit Cell is to ensure, strengthen and

sustain academic standards in affiliated colleges through college inspections and

verification of records.

College Development Council

The University Grants Commission has accorded a sky-scraping priority to the

development and improvement of the standards of affiliated Private [Aided (The colleges

other than the Government Colleges which receive aid out of the Andhra Pradesh State

Government Funds) and Unaided] and Government colleges [The colleges within

Osmania University area in accordance with the conditions prescribed] and Constituent

colleges (The colleges located outside Osmania University Campus and established or

maintained by Osmania University for providing courses in accordance with regulations

prescribed by statues, Ordinance or Regulations) in view of the fact that a substantial

number of the student population receive education through these institutions.

Therefore Osmania University has approved the establishment of the College

Development Council.


The College Development Council functions as a liaison between the affiliated

private [Aided and Unaided]/Govt./University constituent colleges under the jurisdiction

of Osmania University [Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Medak and

Nizamabad districts of the Telangana region] and the University Grants Commission,

New Delhi and South Eastern Regional Office (SERO) Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh

State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). It is a coordinating body between all these

institutions The College Development Council, Osmania University is guided by the Vice-

Chancellor, the Registrar, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education [APSCHE]

and Government of Andhra Pradesh. The College Development Council, Osmania

University will, inter alia,

􀂙 Assist the affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University for

inclusion under Sec. 2[f] & 12[B] of the UGC Act, 1956

􀂙 Coordinate with the University Grants Commission in conferring and for extension

of autonomous status to the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University

􀂙 Assist the University in constituting the Governing Bodies, Board of Studies and

Academic Councils of Autonomous colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Assist the colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University in getting financial

assistance from the University Grants Commission under various schemes

launched from time to time

􀂙 Coordinate in the implementation of Faculty Improvement Programme [FIP] for

the teachers working on permanent basis in the

affiliated private/Government colleges [included under section 2(f) and 12(b) of

the University Grants Commission Act, 1956] under the jurisdiction of Osmania


􀂙 Coordinate with the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for the

starting of new private unaided Degree Colleges, Under Graduate, Post Graduate

and Diploma courses under the jurisdiction of Osmania University.

District Post Graduate Colleges

The Office of the Director, District Post Graduate Colleges, Osmania University

was established in the year 1976 to start Post Graduate Centres in the Telangana

Districts of Andhra Pradesh. At Present, the eight O.U. P.G. Colleges in Districts under

the control of the Director, offer regular and Professional courses. The regular courses

that are offered are M.Com, M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Chemistry) and M.A. Political

Science. The Professional courses offered are : MCA and MBA. The Colleges are as

follows :

1. O.U. P.G. College, Bhiknur

2. O.U. P.G. College, Mirzapur

3. O.U. P.G. College, Nalgonda

4. O.U. P.G. College, Mahabubnagar

5. O.U. P.G. College, Medak

6. O.U. P.G. College, Siddipet

7. O.U. P.G. College, Gadwal

8. O.U. P.G. College, Vikarabad.


To monitor and administer the District Post Graduate Colleges of Osmania


PRof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education

I. Introduction

Osmania University established the Institute of Correspondence Courses in 1977.

It renamed the same as Centre for Distance Education in 1989, and again renamed it in

honour of Prof. G. Ram Reddy, former Vice Chancellor of Osmania University. It has

evolved into a premier institution in the field of Distance Education during the last twenty

six years of its existence. The Centre offers the following courses at the U.G. and P.G.

level :

Pre-degree Courses in Oriental Language (Telugu) :

B.A. Oriental Languages (Telugu)



P.G. Diplomas :

P.G. Diploma in Maths

P.G. Diploma in Business Management

P.G. Diploma in English Language Teaching

P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications

Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics

M.A. Philosophy

M.A. English

M.A. Hindi

M.A. Telugu

M.A. Urdu

M.A. Sanskrit

M.A. Economics

M.A. Pol. Science

M.A. P.P.M.

M.A. History

M.A. Sociology

M.A. Psychology


M.Sc. Mathematics


Modular Certificate Courses.

At present the student support services at the Centre for Distance Education are

essentially based on the supply of reading materials for home study to the learner,

supported and supplemented by facilities like Study Centres/Authorised Learning

Centres, and Audio-Visual aids. This was well received by the student target groups.

II. The functions of Centre for Distance Education include

􀂙 To provide a system of learner centred self-paced studies;

􀂙 To provide flexible, diversified and need based courses;

􀂙 To provide access to all, in order to realise ‘ Higher Education For All (HEFA)’; and

􀂙 To facilitate knowledge acquisition through out one’s life, and be an active

member in a knowledge oriented society.

III. The Major Initiatives

B.A. Psychology and M.A. Psychology was introduced during the year 2004–2005.

Directorate of Admissions

The Directorate of Admissions was established on 31-12-1999 to centralize the

admissions to all the post graduate and research courses offered by Osmania University

in the campus, constituent, district and affiliated P.G. Colleges. It is headed by a Director

and 3 Joint Directors, one each from the faculties of Arts & Social Sciences, Science, and

Management/Commerce. During the academic year 2004-2005, entrance tests for all

P.G. Courses and P.G. Diplomas were conducted and centralized admissions were made.


􀂙 To conduct entrance examinations for admission into P.G. and M.Phil. Courses.

􀂙 To centralize the admission process to various post graduate courses offered by

the University in various faculties and to bring uniformity in implementing rules

and regulations.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates into various

P.G. courses offered by Minority Institutions.

􀂙 To conduct counseling and admit students into MBA & MCA courses of the

University & Affiliated Colleges.

􀂙 To verify the eligibility, and approve the list of admitted candidates under NRI

quota/ Management quota into M.B.A., M.C.A., B.Ed., B.E. & Pharmacy courses

offered by Minority & Non-Minority institutions.

Admission guidelines for Under Graduate Courses

Guidelines for admission to Ist year degree courses for the academic year 2006-2007 and request you

to follow the same scrupulously for the smooth conduct of admissions : -


1. a) Candidates seeking admission to Ist year B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./


B.Com.(Voc.)/B.Com(Hons) /BSW Degree courses must have passed the Two

year Intermediate Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate

Education, Andhra Pradesh or an Examination of any other University/Board

recognized as equivalent there to (other than pre-degree course in Oriental


b) Admission to Ist year B.Com.(Hons.)/BSW courses shall be through an Aptitude

Test/Entrance Test conducted by the Colleges/Department concerned. The Selection

of the candidates shall be based on the merit obtained at the Aptitude Test/Entrance


c) In respect of candidates who have passed +2 examination conducted by Boards other

than Intermediate examination of Andhra Pradesh, CBSE and ICSE, the Principals

may direct the candidates to obtain and produce Eligibility Certificate from the

University. The candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.1000/- through D.D. drawn

in favour of the “Registrar, OU” and submit the Xerox copies of Memo of

Marks/Certificates of the qualifying examination to the Dy.Registrar (Academic),OU for

issue of Eligibility Certificate. The Admission of such candidate should be finalized

only after production of

Eligibility Certificate. All such eligibility certificates shall be obtained before the last date for

filling vacancies, if any i.e. before 31.08.2006. Requests for issue of Eligibility

Certificate after 31-8-2006 will not be entertained.

d) However, those candidates who have passed ;

i) The All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the

Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and

ii) The Indian Certificate of School Examination conducted by the Council

for Indian Certificate of School Education, New Delhi -

may be admitted by the Principals, without insisting on Eligibility Certificate, subject to

the condition that they have passed in English and four other subjects, i.e., a total of

Five subjects. For admission into B.Sc. candidates should have passed concerned

subjects i.e. Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology as the case may be.

e) Candidates who have passed the following examinations are NOT ELIGIBLE for

admission to degree courses, since these are Fake Boards.

i) All India Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

ii) Board of Adult Education & Training, New Delhi (Uttar Madhyama)

iii) Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi

NOTE: In case of any doubts regarding the recognition of

examination (OR) eligibility of candidates, the Principals may

refer such cases with all relevant documents for

clarification before finalizing admission on or before


2. a) Admission to Ist year of the 3 - years Degree courses will be made in order of merit

as shown by aggregate marks secured by the candidates at the qualifying

examination in one attempt.

b) Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination in parts will also be

considered for admission but their cases will be considered only when candidates

under category(a) above are not available.

3. a) Candidates seeking admission to B.Sc. Ist year course should have passed and

secured an aggregate of 40% marks(pass percentage in case of Scheduled Caste and

Scheduled Tribes) in the concerned Science subjects (i.e. Physical Sciences and

Mathematics OR Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences, as the case may be) at the

qualifying examination. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination with

Arts/Commerce subjects are not eligible for admission to B.Sc. course.

b) Candidates who have passed Intermediate Examination with Mathematics, Economics

and Commerce subjects can be considered eligible for admission to B.Sc.(Maths,

Statistics and Computer Science) combination only.

c) Candidates who have passed qualifying examination with Science/Arts/ Commerce

subjects are eligible for admission to B.A./B.Com/B.Com (Hons.) & (Comp.)/BSW


d) Candidates seeking admission to BSW course should have secured not less than 40%

marks in aggregate.

4. While calculating the percentage of marks for admission, 0.5 and above be treated as 1(i.e.

39.5% and above shall be treated as 40%).

5. There is no minimum percentage of marks in English subject at the Intermediate

Examination for admission to degree courses in English Medium. Hence, candidates be

admitted to either English Medium, or to any other regional Media Classes available at the

College, irrespective of marks obtained by them in English subject and also irrespective of

the medium through which they have passed the qualifying examination.

6. Admission to Ist year of 3 year degree course in the Constituent Colleges of Osmania

University and Government Affiliated Colleges will be made in accordance with Andhra

Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order, 1974.

7. a) 60% of the total number of seats available in B.Com in any college shall be reserved


candidates who have studied and passed the qualifying examination with Commerce


b) 50% of seats in B.A. course are reserved for the candidates who have studied

atleast one subject under Social Sciences or Humanities at the Intermediate level.

8. Candidates who have discontinued the studies in the first year B.A./B.Sc. OR B.Com may

be permitted to seek admission in the first year of B.A./B.Sc. or B.Com. courses in the

subsequent year or years, provided they come in order of merit during the year of



There shall be reservation of seats for SCs, STs & BCs as given below:

(A) Scheduled Castes A total of 15% of seats shall be reserved for


belonging to the Scheduled Castes Category.

(B) Scheduled Tribes :: A total of 6% of seats shall be reserved for

candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes


(C) Backward Classes :: A total of 25% seats shall be reserved

for the candidates in respect of B.C. candidates as

shown below :

Group – A 7%

Group – B 10% Total 25%

Group – C 1%

Group – D 7%

NOTE : (a) Candidates belonging to the above categories should submit Community, Nativity and Date

of Birth Certificate as per of Social Welfare Dept., dt. 12.5.1997.

(b) SC. ST & BC candidates who get seats in merit be not counted against the seats reserved

for them and such candidates will be considered under the general category of seats.

(c) If sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill up the seats reserved for SC’s


shall be filled up by suitable candidates from ST’s and Vice-versa. If the required number of

candidates are not available for filling the quota of seats reserved for SC’s & ST’s they may

be filled by candidates from the general pool on the basis of the merit.

(d) While filling up the seats reserved for Backward Class-A, the qualified Backward class –A

candidates should be considered in the order of merit after filling up the un-reserved seats.

If qualified Backward Class-A candidates are not available, the turn will go to Backward

Class-B, Backward Class-C or Backward Class-D in the order of merit in each group”. If no

suitable candidate is available in any of the four groups, the seats shall be filled up from

general pool on the basis of merit.





A maximum of 6% of the seats of Degree courses shall be reserved for candidates who

have distinguished themselves in Sports, Extra-Curricular activities, N.C.C., and A.C.C.

and children of Ex-Servicemen and Armed personnel as follows :-

(i) Reservation for N.C.C. and A.C.C.: - 2% of seats are reserved for students possessing

the prescribed certificates in N.C.C. and A.C.C. The selection of the candidates shall be

made in the following orders of preference :

(a) Holders of ‘C’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-II Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-II Certificate for Girls from High Schools.

(b) Holders of ‘B’ certificate for Boys from colleges.

Holders of A-I Certificates for Boys from High Schools

Holders of C-I Certificate for Girls from Colleges.

Holders of J-I Certificate for Girls from High Schools.


(c) Holders of A.C.C. Certificates for Boys and Girls from Schools.

NOTE : The candidates with one year Training in the Air Wing of N.C.C. shall for purpose of

admission, be treated on par with the candidates possessing ‘B” and A-I Certificates

of the Army, Naval Wings subject to the conditions that the candidates should

produce a certificate from the Director, N.C.C. to the effect that he, is perfect in his

course and also give an undertaking that he should continue and obtain his ’B’

Certificate in the Air Wing.

(ii) Reservation of seats for Games and Sports : 2% of the seats are reserved for students

who have participated in the games and sports (list given below). The Selection of the

candidates under this category shall be made in order of preference.

NOTE : For the purpose of this rule only the following games will be taken into consideration.

1. Athletics (Men & Women)

2. Badminton (Men & Women)

3. Ball Badminton (Men & Women)

4. Basket Ball (Men & Women)

5. Boxing (Men )

6. Chess (Men & Women)

7. Cricket (Men & Women)

8. Cycling (Men & Women)

9. Foot Ball (Men & Women)

10. Gymnastic & Malkamb (Men & Women)

11. Hand Ball (Men & Women)

12. Hockey (Men & Women)

13. Jude (Men & Women)

14. Kabaddi (Men & Women)

15. Kho-Kho (Men & Women)

16. Rowing (Men & Women)

17. Softball Racket (Men & Women)

18. Squash Racket (Men)

19. Swimming, Diving & Water Polo (Men & Women)

20. Table Tennis (Men & Women)

21. Tennis (Men & Women)

22. Volley Ball (Men & Women)

23. Weight lifting (Men & Women)

24. Best Physique (Men)

25. Cross Country (Men & Women)

26. Wrestling (Men )

27. Yogasanas (Men & Women)

28. Korf ball

29. Water Sailing

iii) Reservation of seats for Extra-Curricular activities :

1% of the seats shall be reserved for students who participated in Extra Curricular

activities such as Elocution, Debates, Essay and Fine Arts such as Dance : Drama, Music Painting,

Photography and president Scouts and Guides certificate holders. The Selection of candidates

shall be made in the following order or preference.

1. Candidates who have represented India at the International level in Extra Curricular

activities and President Scouts and Guides.

2. Candidates who have represented the State at the All India level in the Extra

Curricular activities or obtained prize at competition of All India Level.

3. Candidates who have represented the University at the Inter University Level and

those who have participated in the Inter School level.

NOTE : (a) Selection of candidates with the minimum percentage of marks prescribed for

admission under categories mentioned in item i, ii, and iii shall be made in the orders of

preference indicated therein.

(b) Whenever there are more candidates with the same merit than the actual number of seats

available under the categories specified in item i, ii, and iii above admission shall be regulated by

the marks obtained at the qualifying examination.

iv) Reservation of seats for children of Ex-Servicemen and Children of Armed Personnel :

1% of the seats are reserved for children of Ex-Servicemen and children of Armed

personnel, in the following order of preference :

Priority 1 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel killed in action

Priority 2 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel disabled in action and invalidated out from

service of Medical grounds.

Priority 3 : Children of Armed Forces Personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards, the

order of merit for consideration of the Gallantry Awards being as given below :

i) Param Vir Chakra ii) Ashoka Chakra

iii) Sarvotham Yudh Seva Medal iv) Mahavir Chakra

v) Kirti Chakra vi) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal

vii) Vir Chakra viii) Shourya Chakra

ix) Yudha Seva Medal x) Sena/Nau Sena/Vayu Sena Medal

xi) Mention in Dispatches.

Priority 4 : Children of other Ex-Servicemen, Servicemen.

11. Reservation of Seats for Physically Handicapped :

3% of the total number of seats in I year of Degree courses shall be reserved for the

Physically Handicapped persons in the following order :-

i) First Priority to those who have visual defects,

ii) Second Priority to those who have defects of the upper limbs, and

iii) Third Priority to those with defects in the lower limbs.

12. Reservation of Seats for Women Candidates :

33 1/3% of seats shall be reserved for women in co-education Government and Aided

Degree Colleges. If women candidates are not available, the seats reserved for women

and remaining unfilled shall be filled by men candidates.


a) Change of Medium :

Candidates admitted to a particular medium in the 1st year shall not be permitted to change to

another medium in the 2nd and 3rd year. They have to answer the optional papers of all the 3 years

in one medium only (i.e. through the medium in which they have appeared for 1st year


b) Change of Faculty :

Candidates admitted to degree course in a faculty can be permitted to change to another

Faculty (Where practicals are not involved) on or before 31.08.2006 provided they have already

registered their applications for admission in that faculty which they desire to change. No change

shall be permitted after this date.

c) Change of Optional Subjects:

Candidates can be permitted to change the optional subjects (where practicals are not involved) on

or before 31.08.2006. No change shall be permitted after this date.

d) Second Language by private study:

The Principals of various degree colleges are required to notify in the beginning of the

academic year with regard to the second language(s) that are offered at the Colleges. The students

seeking admission to 1st year of the Degree Courses be instructed to opt the Second Language

available in the College. However, those who are not conversant with the second language

offered at the College will have to take the permission of the University for exemption from putting

in attendance and to appear at the University Examination privately in that second language by

applying to the University in the prescribed Application Form. The Principals concerned are

requested to forward the applications of such candidates with a consolidated list along with

prescribed fees of Rs.1000/- each payable through Demand Draft in favour of the Registrar,

Osmania University ,on or before the end of 1st term of 1st year i.e., 30-9-2006. Requests of

candidates who apply after the above date will not be entertained.

e) In case the number of students opting for a particular second language in a

college is (10) or more, the College should make necessary teaching arrangements in

that second language and the colleges should seek affiliation in the subject concerned.

No relaxation would be given in regard to the number exceeding (9) and the Principals

will have to take the responsibility for the consequences arising out of admissions made

beyond ceiling prescribed by University, as such, candidates will not be allowed to take

the University Examinations.


14. Admission of foreign students into Ist year of the 3-year Degree course shall be finalized by the

Director, University Foreign Relations Office, Osmania University and allotted to colleges. No

College shall admit any foreign student directly without being allotted by the Director,

UFRO. Any deviation in the prescribed procedure will be viewed seriously and necessary

action would be taken against the erring colleges.


15. Every candidate is required to put in a minimum 75% attendance in order to appear for the

University Examinations. Shortage of attendance to the extent of 10% will be condoned by the

University on Medical grounds and on payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.500/- per

year/Rs.250/- per Semester. If any candidate does not put in the required attendance he/she

will not be permitted to appear for the Examination.


16. Candidates who have completed a particular Degree course in a Faculty from the University,

shall not be allowed to seek regular admission, in view of the fact that the students seeking

fresh admission, for the first time will be deprived of the opportunity and that there is a provision

for appearing at the B.A./B.Com degree Examination through the Centre for Distance

Education, Osmania University.


Candidates who have joined Degree Courses (3years duration) are required to complete the

course within double the duration of the period i.e., six years from the date of admission.

18. Candidates who would be seeking admission to Ist year Degree course are required to under go

instruction in Environmental Studies subject in their second year of study and pass the

examination without which they will not be eligible for award of Degree. As a result, the present

Science & Civilization paper would be shifted to III year.


The final list of admitted candidates into Ist year of 3 year Degree course (one hard copy and

two soft copies on CD) should be sent to the Director, Academic Audit Cell Osmania University,

one hard copy each to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), Osmania University, and the Controller

of Examinations, OU., on or before 11.09.2006 (Monday) and a Certificate to the effect that all

the admissions have been made in accordance with the rules and that no admissions are made

contrary to the rules. The admitted lists will also be accepted upto 26.9.2006 with a penalty

@ Rs.1,000/- per day.


All irregular admissions made by the Principals are liable to be cancelled by the University,

whenever detected, without giving any notice. The Principals shall be held responsible for the

consequences arising out of cancellation of such irregular admissions.

Guidelines for regulating the Admission on Transfer








4. Transfers are permitted only into II/III year of Degree Course (with due consent of

Principals concerned and subject to availability of seats) within the prior approval of the

University from one District to another District OR from District to City or vice-versa under

the jurisdiction of OU.

5. Admission on transfer shall not be made by the Principals directly without the prior

approval of the University.

6. Candidates are required to pay of Rs.1000/- (One thousand only) towards transfer fees

payable through D.D., drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’ from Nationalized

Banks only.

7. Transfer Applications shall not be entertained without the following :

i) Consent of the Principals concerned

ii) Xerox copies of the Memorandum of Marks of I / II year Degree course.

iii) Demand Draft for Rs.1000/- in favour of Registrar, Osmania University’.

8. Transfer Applications received after the last date prescribed shall NOT be entertained.







2. Transfers into 2nd / 3rd year of B.A./B.Sc./B. Com. courses from other Universities will be

considered, subject to the following conditions;.

a. The Degree course which the candidate is pursuing at the parent University should

have been recognized by the Osmania University.

b. At least two third ( 2/3rd ) of syllabus of the 1st /2nd year subjects studied by the

candidate at the parent University should be equivalent with the syllabus of the

Osmania University candidates should have completely passed the 1st / 2nd year

examination at the parent University OR they should be eligible for promotion to 2nd /

3rd year degree courses as per rules and regulations of Osmania University.

c. Candidates shall be admitted on transfer at Osmania University to the same

course/combination which they have studied in 1st/ 2nd year degree course at the

parent University. Change of Group/Combination/Optional is not permissible.

d. Candidates may be granted exemption from appearing and passing in such of those

papers which are found equivalent and which they have passed at the parent

University securing 36% pass marks prescribed by the Osmania University. These

papers will not be counted as backlog papers for purpose of promotion to next higher


e. Candidates are required to appear and pass the papers of 1st/2nd year (both Theory

and/or Practicals as the case may be) by securing a minimum of 36% of pass marks as

per OU requirement. Those candidates who have secured less than 36% marks but

declared passed as per the parent University rules, are required to appear in those

papers from OU and secure a minimum of 36% marks for considering them as pass as

per OU rules for award of degree by Osmania University. Eventhough candidates are

promoted to next higher class at the parent University as per their rules, they will be

considered for admission into 2nd/3rd year only if they fulfill the OU rules for promotions

i.e., passing in 50% of the papers prescribed in that year (including practicals wherever

applicable), which they have not studied OR not passed OR secured not less than 36%

pass percentage prescribed at Osmania University OR which are not found equivalent


f. In case where the 1st /2nd year examination passed by the candidate is a house

examination conducted by the College and not by the University, no exemption would

be granted and the candidates are required to appear and pass all the papers of 1st/2nd

year papers from Osmania University at the next immediate examination, without fail.

In such cases, these papers will not be treated as backlog papers for purpose of


g. Candidates are required to submit a Certified copy of the detailed syllabus of the

course pursued by them at the parent University in order to establish equivalence of

the subjects for considering exemption.

h. Once the candidates are granted admission on transfer into Osmania University they

will be treated as students of this University. They have to appear and pass in (a)

papers in which they failed or (b) where the syllabus is not equivalent, from Osmania

University only and not from the parent University. Any examination appeared/passed

from the parent University after the transfer will not considered as valid. No

consolidated memo will be issued to candidates transferred from other


i. No Principal shall admit candidates directly on transfer without the prior

approval of the University.

j. In some cases, the University may admit candidates on transfer provisionally, subject

to production of Memo of Marks/Syllabus. In such cases, the candidates are required

to submit the same within one month to the Deputy Registrar(Academic), O.U., only

and obtain confirmation orders.

k. In case where the candidates have not studied/appeared the compulsory subjects

Part-I viz., General English, Second Language and Indian Heritage & Culture/ Science

and Civilization and Environmental Studies in I/II year at the parent University, they are

required to appear and pass the same at the immediate next examinations from

Osmania University.

l. Applications for admission on transfer shall not be considered unless they are

accompanied with the following:

(i) Xerox copies of Memorandum of marks of I/II year degree course of the

Parent University.

(ii) Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- (for the students seeking admission on

transfer from Universities with in the State) and Rs.3000/- (for the

students seeking admission on transfer from Universities out side the

State) drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY’ (from

Nationalized banks only).

(iii) Certified copies of the Syllabus of 1st/IInd Degree course year studied at

Parent University.




Candidates seeking admission are required to submit the prescribed application from which

can be had from the Director, University Press & Publications, Osmania University Campus, OU.,

on payment of Rs.20/- (Rs. Twenty only)(Form ‘A’ transfer of students from one college to another

within the University and Form ’B’ transfer of students from other Universities (within and outside the

state) to Osmania University.

The Principals are required to give their consent for admission on transfer of the Student in the

column provided in the application form, which is a pre-requisite to consider their applications for issue

of Orders by the University. Such transfers should not in any way exceed the approved strength of that

particular course/combination permitted by the University.

Principals are requested to ensure that the admission on transfer is in order and as per the

rules and the course and combination passed by the candidates in Parent College/University is

available in their college. and then only they should give their consent on the application forms with

their signatures and College stamps duly showing the district in which the college is situated and also

with a mention of the ceiling (i.e. approved strength), Combination and the number of Students after

admission of that particular transfer. (Please ensure that a mention is made in the stamp about the

District i.e. R.R.District/Hyderabad/District Town etc., as the case may be).

Candidates who desirous to apply for admission on transfer into II / III degree courses shall

follow the schedule shown below:-

a) Last date for submission of application forms -- 01-8-2006

b) Last date with penalty of Rs. 500/- -- 17-8-2006

c) Last date with penalty of Rs.1000/- -- 31-8-2006

In all cases of transfers, the attendance put in by the students in the parent college/University

till the issue of transfer certificate shall be clubbed with the attendance put in new college for calculating

the total attendance during the academic year in order to appear for Annual examination. Hence, the

students seeking transfer are required to submit Attendance Certificate alongwith the Transfer

Certificate at the time of joining new college.


No student be admitted on transfer by the Colleges directly without obtaining prior

approval/orders of the University under any circumstances and the College shall be held

responsible for violation. Any student admitted so, will not be permitted for the University


Applications without the Consent of the Principals/without full details will not be

entertained/ Considered by the University

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